Gilroy's m59 Reference

Queen Venya'cyr, Amulet of Three, and the Necromancers Guild.

Before Queen Venya'cyr can be raised, there must be at least 5 Ao3's in existence. Remember, you MUST be a Necromancer (one who wears the Ao3) in order to raise the queen!

If you're serious about doing this task, you must have great resolve and strength. Your queen will tolerate no weakness. The ghostly remains of Queen Venya'cyr can be found inside the Inner Sanctum deep inside the ruins of Castle Brax. Once you find her, and you meet the requirements, follow these steps:

You say, "guild"

The ghostly remains tells you. "I crave to return to your plane of existence. My dark child, Will thou help me to rise again?"

You say, "Yes"

The ghostly remains tells you, "Excellent. My soul craves the blood of the innocent. Bring me this, that I might rule Meridian once again!"

You offer Queen Venya'cyr the Blood of the Innocent.

"The Order of Necromancers has been reborn!"

"The Inner Sanctum of Queen Venya'cyr is the new home of the Order of Necromancers!"

The ghostly remains tells you, "Ah! LIFE!! I, alone with my dark Order of Necromancers, have been reborn! For your faithful service to me, I appoint you Master of the Order."

Wow! You have created the Necromancer Guild! But, there are consequences. Like I stated earlier, she will be hard on you now that you've sold your soul to the evil one.

By joining the Necromancer Guild, you will be granted entrance into the guild hall. There is one chest.

The Master of the Order of Necromancers can not step down from his position. The guild members can vote him down if desired. If the Master of the Order is assassinated by another necromancer, the assassin becomes the new Master. If the Master is killed by something or someone other than another Necromancer, the power is shifted to the guild member with the most political support.

Necromancers are necromancers until death. If you die, you will loose your Ao3 and be discarded from the guild. While you live, you must feed! You feed by killing… killing a lot! If you do not feed, you risk the life of the Queen herself. She will die and the guild will disband.

If the queen dies, all guilded necromancers will also die but keep their Ao3s. All necromancers who are not guilded will loose 66% of their total hit points and also keep their Ao3s.

If the guild does not maintain a minimum of three members, the Queen will become bored with her mortals, disband the guild, and return to sleep.

The members of the Necromancer Guild are linked to the Inner Sanctum by the Ao3. If a player who is not a necromancer approaches the guild hall, the members may be alerted of the threat. It is the responsibility of the necromancers to protect the Queen. As non-necromancers get closer to the Queen the Ao3 will give have this effect:

Your amulet vibrates for a moment, startling you.

It would be a smart idea to rush to the Queen if this happens. If the hunters (those who wield the Sword of the Hunt), or any other non-Necromancer, happens to succeed in killing the Queen, the Necromancer guild will disband, and all Necromancers will die! All Hunters will receive damage up to 66% of their hit points. The Necromancers will loose their inventory and it will be dropped at the remains of the Queen to be looted by the victorious Hunters. All Ao3s and SotHs will be removed from existence and respawn at a later time.

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