Gilroy's m59 Reference
Armor: Amulets of Three


There is something deeply disturbing about this amulet. When you look at it in the corner of your eye, you can almost see the evil pouring forth from it.

Amulets of Three

The Amulet can only be worn if you have at least 61HP.

Your stats will be modified as follows:

Depends on Karma, can alter them by as much as :

  • -5 Might
  • +10 Intellect
  • +1 Stamina
  • +10 Mysticism
  • -5 Aim

It will add vigor to the wearer for every creature or player killed in their area. The most vigor is gained from positive karma creatures such as Lupoggs. The Necromancer does not have to have killed the creature or player to gain vigor in this way.

If the Necromancer kills something to take his karma above -31 the amulet will damage the wearer as per the "Vampiric touch" spell. Each attack reduces the Necromancer's karma by about -4 and deals them about 5-6 damage. The attacks come every 3-4 seconds.

Repeatedly tugging on the Amulet will cause you progressively large amounts of damage. When you die the amulet will re-spawn at the location it was found.

Necromancers are unable to use gods gifts while wearing an Amulet of the Three. It turns gray items such as jerkins and Qor master's robes to red. If dispel illusion is cast in the Necromancer's vicinity they are revealed with gray skin and red eyes. While in this form they will take more damage but also deal more damage in combat.

Queen Venya'cyr, Amulet of Three, and the Necromancers Guild

Show me where I can find this item! (CURRENTLY DISABLED IN GAME)

Mendable: No
Enchantable: No
Protection vs Magic: No
Magical Find: No

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