This is a cool spell but make sure you either tell people in the area you are working it or be prepared to have people mad at you.
The apparition will attack anyone and if there are lawful in the area when you cast it, you will become flagged as an outlaw [if your safety is off).
The location of where it is cast influences what monster is summoned. Casting it at Castle Victoria will summon a zombie, for instance, while casting it at the Icky Caves will summon a spider.
You can target the spell to control where the creature is summoned.
Creates a zone specific monster. Such as Undead at Castle Victoria, or spiders in the icky cave.
Useful to kill someone without being implicated as the killer...
Building Up Hot Spell:
Cast on yourself to prevent going orange.
There really is no choice but to work this spell - Riija 4 only has 3 spells.
To work apparition, rest in the Hall of Heroes, cast at night, and go to the Jungle or exit Ko'catan by entering "Konima's Ascension".
It improves quickly but uses a lot of vigor and mana, and will require patience, food, patience, second wind, or a second character with Kranaan 1 (relay for vigor) or Faren 1 (mystic touch for mana), and patience!
Version Release: 05. Revelations
Requires focused concentration!
Mana Effect: -30
Vigor Effect: -30
Purchase from NPC:
Required reagents: