Gilroy's m59 Reference
Kraanan: Level 4: Dispel Illusion


Dispels any illusions in your vicinity. This powerful spell nearly shuts down the rediscovered Riija school of magic, but at a high cost in reagents, mana, and vigor. Requires dragonfly eyes, uncut seraphym, and solagh to cast.

Dispel Illusion

Most people underestimate this spell, it has the ability to end all illusions in the room.

It is usually seen as a way of getting into the caves but that really isn't true.

You're in battle and you cast it disables the Riija mage, all his reflections, apparitions, evil twins, and most of his other magic will have departed. Also all necromancers will suddenlly turn grey so you know who to target and pull out your silver arrows and do extra damage to them.

It has its purposes and can be a large advantage in battle if used properlly.

8-18-04 Update: Dispel Illusion changed so that casting allows a percentage chance to remove each illusion present, as opposed to the previous 100% chance of removing them all.

Version Release: 02. The Internet Quest Begins

Requires focused concentration!

Purchase from NPC:

Required reagents:

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