First, go to the Avar Village. Use this map.
Next, kill all the avar's you can find. If you get the following message, then it's possible to get the node.
The ground shakes and the air seems a bit fouler. You have displeased the avar gods.
If you do this enough then eventually you'll get this message:
A deep voice bellows, "Destroyers! You kill my people and steal my power. Yet, I will still get my revenge upon you!"
At this point the node will pop up in front of the large statue. You must have negative karma to get it.
If you have positive karma you can drop some inky-cap mushrooms, 8 or so, on the alter where the node appears. You get this Message:
A deep voice bellows, "Your offering is accepted. Partake of my power, kindred spirits."
Think of the moral there. Human nature is to kill. We teach that there are other ways to accomplish your goals. Sometimes easier.
Thanks to Kree, Marvin, and everyone else in finding out how to get both ways in less than 24 hours!