Team expanded
2/21/2000 7:15:14 PM - Asylum One
We have added a web developer to our team. Please welcome Tim. He will be the man in charge of giving the public all the information we can give.
Josh is meeting with "Gilroy" this weekend to get a domain set up for the Asylum team. That is where current info will be posted. We will still involve Gilroy in the project, but he will no longer be posting Requiem info on this site.
Don't worry, we are still working our booties off. We have been accepting applications to join the team, and have turned many down. We are also still awaiting more applications from developers who have inquired about positions. Mail us if you'd like to apply for a mapping, modeling, or programming job.
Also, We'd like to let everyone know that we have changed our name to "Asylum One", as there is already an "Asylum Productions". Funky, we choose a name like Requiem, and then a taken name.
Erick Steinmaier
Asylum One