Gilroy's m59 Reference

Thoughts on the glory days
2/2/2000 9:38:31 AM - Zax'cha Atz'ya

When it comes down to it everything that happen is a matter of time. It comes it goes, the past leaves us, the future comes to us, yet we remain in the present unable to see what lies ahead of us, and our view of what lies behind slowly fades away.

Meridian helped reshape the world of gaming. It is the parent to an entire genre, which is really just beginning to start up. It took the pleasure of the text based Multi User Dimensions (MUDs) and combined it with the success of the first person action games and the result was a great enjoyment to whoever was fortunate enough to find out about it.

I found out about Meridian from an issue of PC Gamer (The December '96 one I believe), There was this little advertising book in it, with this cool sounding game in it. I thought it sounded cool so I pulled up the web site and decided to download the trial, I was hooked. My grades dropped, my social life kinda bottomed out, but I was having a great time (Just a note I got through school and my social life is much improved now). Over the next little while I learned about Role Playing and stuff like that and took a great love to it, and timed passed. It was a great time though and though my view of 3 years ago is slowly fading, a lot of those times I'll keep in my mind and in my heart for life.

Those days are long past though, I've been in countless guilds, build several characters, PK'd, hunted, the works, and sad to say like many of you, watched a server die around me. It can be very depressing.

Some may say that Meridian is dying, but when you think about it, Meridian started dying the second it was created, as you started dying the second you were born. Things can be done to help or hurt the health of Meridian though, trying to get people into the game would help, and acting like children would hurt it. Pretty simple?

The Guardians, Greens and anyone else who works for Meridian has my deepest respect, though many of you may not agree.

  • Psychochild: Though some people hate him and say he ruined Meridian, I really have to disagree, it is hard for a single person to try and update a game while working out all the bugs. He did his best, and he did a lot of good to balance the game and get rid of some old bugs. People bring up Touch spells most of all, and yes I'll agree I don't like how touch spells currently are, however it was a good idea, to give mages an attack without having to learn Weaponcraft. Whatever he did was to try and help Meridian, Most of it good, some of it bad, but no one is perfect. For those who don't know he is still working on Meridian partly on his time, and that gets nothing but respect for me.
  • Vimto: He's giving up his time to help work on Meridian, and as I stated that gives nothing but respect. His improvements to the client were most appreciated and I hope he can continue this.
  • GuardianCorliss: A great guy, he isn't around much unfortunately but I hear he's doing work in the background, hopefully we will see him a little more.
  • GuardianKana: What can I say, I know some of you hate him. I however agree with Hawk he is a good guy. He has helped fix any problems I have had speedily and helpfully. I really don't know if he's as terrible as people claim with terminations, but I do not waiver in my view that he has a purpose in all terminations. Though he may over react or make mistakes I do not know, but from the dealings I've had with him he is defiantly not the mad terminating evil guy that people seem to make him out to be.
  • GuardianKimo: Well I really can't say much about him, I have rarely talked to him, but from the dealings I've had he seems like a nice guy.

Whether you believe it or not, a server merge is being worked on, it's not as simple as many people suggested as copy or pasting, or things like that, and the person who suggested that a merge could be down by hand in a few hours is really fooling himself. The act of creating a char on a server, with every statistic set right, hp, telling it how many nodes the person has, each spell and skill to a certain %, then we have items, each item created separately, money, hometowns, and all that, then you have the problem of tying each new account in with the old one on the billing system... It would take probably a day per account. Which is also why it is taking a merge so long to be accomplished, but I know it's being worked on.

I guess this brings me to Asylum Productions, some of you are praising them, and some of you are making fun of them. I wrote my feelings in a previous post and they still stand in most cases, I am skeptic but I can not find any reason to believe that it is a hoax, Gilroy's word also means a lot to me, and I will stand by his judgement.

As for the message board, I hope Gilroy never takes it down, it brings this site to life. If you get the chance though please read my thoughts about the message board.

Enjoy Meridian as best you can, it's not going anywhere now, but nothing lasts forever.

Zax'cha Atz'ya

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