Gilroy's m59 Reference

Latest patch... and, big announcement!!!
1/7/2000 5:54:16 PM - Gilroy

Welcome! We have installed the latest patch, and with it comes a larger announcement.

We all know Meridian 59 has been around for over 3 years and many people say that it has lived long past its prime. Think about the games you now play… How many of them were around in 1996? Not many, I'd wager. This is due to the unique community that has grown here, and, more specifically, it is because of you! Each of you comprises a part of a larger, grander whole, one unimaginable just ten years ago. You are all pioneers in a frontier land and in decades to come you can tell your children about how you remember playing the very first 3D on-line RPG ever, Meridian 59, and about the friends you had and the battles you fought. There may be a smile or a grimace on your face while recounting the story, but what you take away from here will stay with you forevermore. You have created history.

We are happy to announce that we will be adopting a new stance with respect to the oversight and governance of Meridian 59. From this day forward, we are turning the governance of Meridian 59 over to you, The Community. We, the Guardians, will be limiting our role to handling billing issues and gross offenses. We will no longer monitor or punish infractions such as foul language, 'botting', bug abuse or cheating. With the animation bug fix and PKK stopped, it is our sincere hope that there will not be many opportunities for massive cheating.

What does all this mean to you? It means that if you would like to try something in the game that does not expressly violate the Terms of Service, you may do so. We expect you, The Community, to set up your own standards and rules for behavior and find creative ways for enforcing them. As mentioned before, we do reserve the right to remove gross offenders from the game in the case of harassment or other socially unacceptable behavior. Additionally, this also means that you can cast spells on all blue names now, but be forewarned that all blue names are free to cast whatever spells they have upon you. I think it is safe to say that casting a spell on a blue name, although possible now, is not a good idea. Fair warning- the SrGuides have been given Smite, and have been informed that they are welcome to use it as they see fit. :)

Currently, there are no further planned updates to the game. However, although we currently have no devoted programming staff, Psychochild will be putting in appearances for bug fixes when he has free time. You may also have noticed that Vimto has been very gracious in donating most of his personal free time to making last week's patch happen and he continues to work on perfecting server merges. Both are working very hard to make server merges a reality. If server merges are important to you then please aid them by giving them the space to work without interrupting them.

We are very grateful for everything that Psychochild and Vimto continue to do for Meridian 59 behind the scenes and during their own time. If you see either of these Designers on-line, please take a moment to thank them for their work and to offer your assistance, but remember that the less time they spend answering questions about game dynamics, the more time they have to further stabilize and polish the game.

I strongly recommend at this time that you take a moment to check your profanity filter, and become familiar with its use.

We will be posting a list of all known bugs, so that everyone is on a level playing field. As mentioned previously, Guardians will no longer be giving gameplay advice. Henceforth, our main function will be to resolve billing problems. Another item that should be pointed out specifically is that we will not be mediating "he said, she said" type situations that we have in the past. You need to look upon the guides, bards and the community / governance that you develop to resolve these issues. Guardians will simply not respond. We are turning these aspects of the game over to you. A word of warning, this does not mean that Guardians are now your targets, we will not hesitate to disconnect players that disrespect any Guardians, 3DO staff or volunteers.

The Meridian 59 game is about to change, and the form it takes is completely up to you. The "new" Meridian 59 will be formed from your actions and those of your fellow players. Whether the world dissolves into lawless chaos, whether you form your own overseeing tribunals, whether you create a classless utopia, you hold the destiny of Meridian 59 in your hands.

-The Guardians of Meridian

Source: GuardianCorliss, GuardianKimo ,and GuardianKana -

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