November '11: Recent Tweaks Applied
12/19/2011 2:05:41 PM - Mayhem
Recent tweaks applied to Server's 101 and 102 by Zaphod: "I set the IP limit to 6, and changed elusion to be castable from anywhere. This is an experiment; we'll see if it has an effect."
This is a roll-back basically of the change made to Elusion (Riija Level 6) where it was made to be castable from its destination points. Now Elusion is back to where it has been for the past decade - you can cast it anywhere, anytime.
The IP Limit has been raised to be 6 simultaneous connections at once to allow for more connections from gamers in the same room or home.
Source: Gilroy's Message Boards -> Meridian 59 -> General discussion -> Tweaks Applied