Please Help/Donate NOW to "Meridian 59" @ Penny Arcade Expo
8/22/2011 11:09:24 PM - Mayhem
Meridian 59 will be represented at the PENNY ARCADE EXPO (a.k.a. PAX!) in THREE DAYS - August 26-28 2011!!!
This event will be covered by nearly one thousand media personnel, and attended by over 60,000 gamers in downtown Seattle at the Seattle Convention Center.
The event is completely sold out.
Meridian 59 is the only fan-made booth in the history of this event.
The entire booth is being paid for by "Khan".
The people working the booth are fans - "Khan", "Aero" and myself.
The banners, sticker/handouts, and T-Shirts have been designed by a fan, "Carew", and printed by "Khan" out of pocket.
We are going to be manning a small booth, with computers paid for by "Khan" and being helped setup by his real-life friends that live in Seattle.
"Meridian 59", the longest running MMO, has also had the least press in history.
I will be there to document the event as well as help run the booth.
It has the most passionate fan-base that I have ever seen, without whom, it wouldn't be around today.
Please consider making a small donation to "Meridian 59", the proceeds will go towards covering the large costs that it is taking to run this event.
This is all for you, the players, to help get the word out about this amazing game that is still out there, FREE TO PLAY, waiting to be discovered by old fans and new.
This is the greatest chance we have ever had, as players, to get Meridian 59 seen and played by the current generation of gamers.
The fact that our fan-made booth is going to be next to huge, corporate giants such as SONY, VALVE, EA, 2K GAMES and CAPCOM, is monumental.
Please do your part to get the word out and/or donate to "Meridian 59".
If you donate more than $20 you will receive a permanent inscription on the character of your choice. More importantly - you will have done a part in helping support a game you have played, been addicted to, loved, hated, fought for and made friends in for many years.
Never before has it been more important than right now as you finish this sentence.
Thank you.
...player and fervent supporter of Meridian 59 since 1996.
Donate Here:
Click on the "DONATE NOW" PayPal link on the right side of the main page and enter in an amount of your choice.
Direct Link:
Source: Meridian59.Com