Important information regarding Meridian 59: Requiem
12/21/1999 5:15:45 AM - Gilroy
I read this post on our message board and felt that everyone should be made aware! Please... read this and spread the word to your servers. Let's keep Meridian alive!!!
-- Gilroy
*It is imperative that everyone read this post. Let everyone in your guilds know of it, and anyone else you know*
In 1995, Meridian 59 was born. The world flourished with communities, guilds, and friends. New lands were discovered in updates, new monsters arose, and along with these wonderful happenings, competition reared it's ugly head.
In 1999, Meridian 59 died with the birth of a 989 Studios game we shall not mention in this post. The people of Meridian were reminded of the archaic game engine, and found themselves in awe with this new world.
It's time to change.
A new beginning has begun, and an ode to the dead is in order.
Greetings, fellow Meridianites, we've heard of the rumors of the presumed shut-down of Meridian 59 servers, and it has forced us to take action sooner than we had planned. So, here is some information about the upcoming presentation to 3DO.
Erick Steinmaier and Joshua Donelson are currently developing a post-production video for 3DO, proposing the change of the ENTIRE game engine for Meridian 59. It will contain 3D animations, demonstrating the ideas we hold for the wonderful world of M59. We do not intend to change town locations, nor change items, monsters, or anything else that makes the game worth playing, but instead, we wish to give them all a new look. Support for the 3Dfx chipset is certainly part of the proposal, however optional. We intend to have the proposal completed by February/March of 2000, and have it delivered to 3DO by mid-March. From that point on, only 3DOs reaction can tell the outcome of the update intended.
Here's what we need of you.
Erick and I require lists of people who would be interested in such a change in the game. We also ask that you write to us what it is you like about Meridian 59 so much that it keeps you here or has kept you here for so long. So please, send us what you can. Tell us what you like about it, and tell us your character names (confidentiality is guaranteed.) We wish to make Meridian even more spectacular than it was when it originally began, and we can do this more efficiently with your help.
Please send g-mail to Gorath or Vassago, or, send e-mail to or
Thank you for your time.
Joshua Donelson - 3D Animator/Art Production
Source: Erick Steinmaier -