Happy 1 Year Anniversary to Meridian 59 - the Quest Undying! [Op-Ed]
1/4/2011 9:07:29 PM - Mayhem
Just a little thanks.
This month marks the first anniversary of the original development team from the Archetype Interactive days - Andrew Kirmse and Christopher Kirms - "Zaphod and Zandramas" - returning to the game they helped create.
I'm still reeling over the "Near Death Studios closes/Meridian 59 lives" news - when I heard this in the last cool winter, there was something inside, a secret excitement about this game and the lives we've all led in it alongside our real ones - that I couldn't explain let alone share to most.
Here on Gilroy's - it's understood.
Will Q get nostalgic and design some more maps. And someone ICQ the artists...just where's this ride headed? I don't know, but I'll be here.
We have the constant tinkerer MisterY (who worked on the game in the NDS days too - he did the massive 3D/real-time lighting overhaul!) - he has more plans. Someone deliver that guy a pizza.
We have a new support staff - "Oz" and "Ghostwalker" (who is our very own player and beleagured forum moderator, "Hitman the Red"). Thank you to you both for your sacrifices of time, patience, and lower back pain. The events, activations and support for our demanding community are appreciated beyond words.
There was a website overhaul through Web Designer, "Eric", who made the new Meridian59.Com!
Continuing thanks goes to the omnipresent Gilroy for giving us ALL somewhere to go, even when the servers can't.
And finally to The Players...because without us there would be nothing to come back for but the vapid wasteland that are the Mc-MMO's.
Bring on 2011.
/ Mayhem, undying Server 101
a.k.a. Sauron the Gremlin King (renamed to "Dark Lord" after someone commented on my name strolling through The Flatlands in 1996), 3DO Server 104