Server News/Op-Ed: GM's stoke the fire.
12/10/2010 11:19:58 AM - Mayhem
On Server 101, the green-named god named Oz has been re-decorating the Streets of Tos with holiday decorations like a giant pine complete with gifts underneath, just behind the fountain, and trees with flashing lights.
Familiars has been outfitted with colorful helmets on the bar(glued down), a cauldron of boiling soup (fill up!), and a Green Fairy floating high around the ceiling (just life you see sometimes in real life)!
There is also a homeless, hungry street urchin (creature) roaming the street, just in time for the holidays. Give him some soup - see what happens.
Then there are the cameras. If you look into one of these reflective globes, you will be able to see the view from another camera lens. One of these is currently placed right above the Tos Fountain, allowing a view of the city and, if you're on a safe character, any combat.
These are the same cameras that, before this, just sat deep in Brax, unused, pointing at the maze leading to the Lich's inner sanctum.
On 101, during an impromptu Last Man Standing tournament held by Ghostwalker in the arena, Oz placed more cameras in the stands, allowing watchers to see the combat in angles that were never possible.
Ghostwalker also has a Guild Tournament planned that will award 5 members of the winning guild their own Magic Spirit Helm, and 25, 000, 000 shillings in guild rent - that's years of rent! The tournament will be held soon around Christmas '10.
Let's hope that the administrators continue their updates, support, events, and decorating. They are making the game world alive, interesting, and a fun way to spend time again.
(» Official Guild Tournament. -posted by Malachi
Prizes and discussion for the Official Tournament.
(» A BOY AND HIS FIRST MMORPG. - posted by HyperHypo.
A returning player's story.
Source: Ghostwalker, Oz - adminstrative support for Meridian 59.