Not what Meridian can do for you...
12/6/2010 12:19:00 AM - Hitman the Red
...but what can YOU do for Meridian?
Use your creative talents for the good of the realm! Zaphod, co-owner of Meridian 59, has issued the challenge. Design a NEW splash for the Meridian 59 logon screen and win creators credit on login screen and a line in your profile on your main character!
This is your chance to leave your mark on video game history as people revisit the classic Meridian 59, original MORPG!
Send submissions to!!
All entries will be due by January 1, 2011. The top ten will be slected and the winner chose by Zaphod and Zandramas! The winner will be announced by Febuary 1, 2011!
Source: Zaphod, co-owner Meridian 59