Gilroy's 1st EVER big, Big, BIG CONTEST!
5/19/2010 7:47:15 AM - Hitman the Red
This just posted on AH globes and Gilroy's Forums!
SaTuRdAy JuNe 19, 2010 @ 9:00 p.m. CST
All interested Meridian Citizens of Server 101 are expected to begin gathering prior to 9:00 p.m. CST for the evenings festivities! Events will start at Contest Boy's discretion as population gathers!
The first event of the evening will be a cacaphony of activity! At 9:00 p.m. POSTING ON ADVENTURE HALL GLOBES only - 10 riddles to describe 10 items will be posted - the FIRST 5 Players that FIND Contest Boy's Hiding Spot and have ALL 10 items in their possession will be entered into a single elimination mini MERIDIAN TRIVIA tournament (ALL questions will be taken from the "History and Lore" section of Gilroy's located in the FAQ section!) till the 5 are whittled to 1 Glorious big, Big, BIG CONTEST Winner! The Grand Prize will be a bonkstick that is bonded and engraved with: "I won Gilroy's 1st big, Big, BIG CONTEST and all I got was this stupid bonkstick!" + 1,000,000 shillings! (Yes, Zax'cha, the Bonkstick is lieing!) (The winner of this event will be ineligible for any other competitions)
The second event of the evening will be an all out anything goes, no holds barred, low down dirty shame, kill session, LAST MAN STANDING ARENA FEST worth 500,000 shillings to the winner! (Start time variable depending on length of previous event) (The winner of this event will be ineligible for any other competitions)
The third event of the evening will be worth 250,000 shillings to the winner! A Race! Details will be announced after the 2nd event! (The winner of this event will be ineligible for any other competitions)
Other smaller giveaways and festivities to follow as time allows! Top end loot provided by Zaphod and Zandramas, events conducted independently by Gilroy's Contest Boy, a member of Gilroy's Meridian59 reference Site and Administration Staff.
***Server 102 events are in planning stages and will be announced shortly after the completion of Server 101's events***
I'm Gilroy's Contest Boy! and I approve this message! PvP is discouraged during these events!
Source: Gilroy's Contest Boy