Late Night with Arkblade 7
11/9/2003 12:32:28 AM - Arkblade
Soraya was standing around Familiars with a fierce spirit hammer that seemed to hum and beckon the undead. Later I found out that she was actually on a hunt to slay the foul undead that inhabit the infamous Castle Victoria. I heard stories about Soraya giggling while she was crushing the putrid flesh and brittle bones of the seemingly out-matched undead.
Wolfsbane seemed to be in a sour mood when I saw her come through the doors to Familiars. She looked as if she was ready to pull her own hair out by the roots. I turned around and went back to sipping my ale after waving to her because she looked at me as though I would be the target of her temper. I could feel her eyes burning a hole in the back of my head when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Let me buy the next round." she said. I was relieved, she wasn't in a bad mood after all, she was just acting tough so no one would mess with her ... it worked.
Necro was up to his old tricks again as I saw him force a man's physical form to travel to another plane of existence. He didn't say a word but there was a wide evil grin on his face that spread from ear to ear. I could tell he enjoyed every bit of adrenalin he received from fighting would be assassins. I wonder how many people tell him how angry they are at him for thwarting attempts on his life?
I spied Maverick and Kree on the island ... they were up to no good with each other if you know what I mean. I asked them what they were doing and they both turned around to me and nervously answered "uh, nothing". I smiled and let them alone as I walked out and began my night of hunting. I have to admit, they do make a cute couple ... don't you agree?