Late Night with Arkblade 5
9/11/2003 9:54:36 AM - Arkblade
Finally caught off my guard, Necro froze me solid in my tracks and blinded me with Qor's dark powers. There was nothing I could do, I thought about calling on my inate ability to travel into the astral plane but Necro's attack was quick and deadly. I felt the cold steel enter through my back as a searing flash of acidic pain sent me to the underworld. I spoke to my brother (Bones) who was freaking out because apparently my violent death had summoned forth a violent revenant and was hounding Necro. He told me it was some kind of reverse penalty for killing killers ... never heard of that before but you never can tell.
Exerpts from the battle:
### The notorious murderer Arkblade was just owned by the wicked hunter Necro.
Arkblade's body jerks in an odd fashion.
Necro says, "Noob, learn how to fight!"
### Necro has just lost his faction standing.
### Necro has lost 76 spell points and 121 skill points.
### Necro has dropped 23 items.
### Necro has been severed from all mana nodes.
### Necro has lost 31 hit points.
Necro says, "What in the (censored) was that all about?"
A killer's violent revenant can be heard screaming for vengeance. It looms towards Necro with ill intentions.
Arkblade's corpse roars with laughter.
Arkblade's corpse says, "Muhahahahaha!"
Bones says, "Dude, sucks to be you."
Necro broadcasts, "Location of NDS headquarters!"