Gilroy's m59 Reference

Late Night with Arkblade 4
9/10/2003 1:04:02 AM - Arkblade

Inside the Aqueducs of Merb, Maraxus was confronted by a ghostly image of a devil who introduced himself as simply Q. The demonic figure challenged Maraxus to duel his champion of the caves. Without hesitation, Maraxus said "I will duel anyone as long as I am compensated for the battle and rewarded upon my victory." The devil spoke about the reward as being something he would cherish if he was the victor. Maraxus accepted the challenge and was instantly teleported to a secret location inside the caves. His opponent stood there awaiting the match with calm patience and a stink of death permiating the surrounding area. The thing stood twice the size of a human but it was geared with heavy armor and a giant long sword. Maraxus gave a shrug and prepared to fight the ghastly creature. I do not know who won the fight, but hours later I saw Maraxus leaning against the gates to Tos with a grin on his face.

After hours upon hours of brutal comments, racial slurs, sexual inuendos, and basic smack talking, hAZE was summoned by his mother (she lives in Texas in an underground evil cult who follows the teachings of Qor) who had a strong talk with her little boy. She was very disaapointed in finding out that hAZE was being such a fool. After hours of brutal beatings from his mommy, hAZE returned to the lands of Meridian a little more humble and walking with a grimace (often rubbing his sore arse). Even when asked what was the matter, he would reply with obscenaties and wave them away ... then he would apologize and mumble curses under his breath.

After so many years of searching, Gar came accross the elusive secret screen on the Island. He knew that he would find it eventually and he knew he was going to be rich by charging people for the information. Gar broadcasts, "Charging 275k for information on how to get to the secret screen on the island." What he didn't know is that the secret door that lead to this new screen was, in fact, a one way door and he would be trapped there for a very long time. He did find a small hut he could fix up and call home, but I'm sure he was very unhappy to find out the limitations of this new screen. A smile did run across his face when he tested his Faren spells and found out that they did full effects/max damage when on this screen.

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