Gilroy's m59 Reference

Server 200 Events Day
6/5/2003 11:48:33 PM - FattyMoo


The fog that surrounds your vision clears, and the cold feeling of moving through the portal has left your body. You stand in a green field, and surrounding you are other young adventurers like yourself. As you glance around, you wonder ,why you are here? Who are all these other warriors and magic users around you? You are shook out of your thoughts by a strange voice. "Welcome to Meridian, let us tell you how you came to be here...".

You are cordially invited to join other citizens of Meridian in a three day gala of special events and festivities. Starting on June 12th, and running till June 14th, these days will offer a golden opportunity to meet and greet with the other players, the administrators, and to participate in some very special events that will be taking place. Events will be held starting from 9am PST to 10pm PST, and the feast hall will be open so you may dance the night away.

Some of the special things that are planned:

-A mysterious cloaked figure has been seen, calling the rats in the area to attack the city of Tos, can you stop him and his army of vermin? 2 PM Pacific, 5 PM Eastern

-Who is the strange figure with the blood soaked dagger? Who is he searching for? Find he past of this mysterious man, before it is too late! 4 PM Pacific, 7 PM Eastern

-Question and answer session. Your chance to ask questions relating to any and all topics concerning Meridian 59, its' staff, and its future! 5 PM Pacific, 8 PM Eastern

All events will have prizes for those participating, as well as special prizes for those that shine above and beyond their peers!

These days are also a good chance to meet and greet with the administrators and developers of Meridian 59. NDS team members will be on hand to hold a "meet and greet" , as well as answer as many questions as we can about the game, or anything you would like to talk about!

The dates for these events are June 12 through June 14th! Mark your calendars and tell your friends to sign up and give it a try! There will be much to do, and fun for all!

Sharpen your sword, get your spells ready, Your destiny awaits.

Cheers, and hope to see you all there!

-Adam "Sinacul" Pratt
NDS Events Manager

Source: Sinacul

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