The Boatman
4/7/2003 1:27:11 PM - Arkblade
As the readers know, the Boatman is a very private and secretive man. He is far advanced in years though he shows signs of unlimited energy to get things done. At times I can feel such magical power surrounding him that I can taste an electrical odor as we talk. Every word he speaks seems to have meaning, though he doesn't usually talk very much.
That's the reasons for this report actually. He has agreed to show me some of his arcane powers tonight. He has granted me permission to browse his labratory and libraries deep in the under belly of his small volcanic island. I would guess that it is at least 2 miles down to the bottom of this cavern, but it's amazingly dry and the air is light. He left me alone with his guardian.
The guardian is a relatively large snake. He calls it a cobra snake from the old world "one of the few left alive." At any rate, it doesn't talk, it kind of just slithers around and makes an occasional hissing noise.
As you can tell from the picture, he has quite the passion for all things arcane. Off to my left, there is a very large pink crystal ball that glows with magic ... though he asked me not to show that here. To my right is a large black wooded cabinet that is home to more than 30 wands and staffs ... he also requested that I not show them either. I will be holding audience with him for the next couple of nights while he explains certain things of powers unknown to our people. He has also requested that I take this technology back with me when I return to Meridian 59. New spells and skills for the populace ... not sure exactly what he means by all that, but I guess we will find out soon enough.