Gilroy's m59 Reference

Interview with a Vampir...umm i mean Killer Klown (new PK clan on 101)
3/27/2003 2:30:34 PM - Gilean

On server 101, the populace is restless. Eyes have grown at the back of their heads as the server faces a new threat...A new PK guild called The Krazy Killer Klowns For those of you that would like an inside look at the dark side, here is a LIVE interview with the 2nd founder of the Krew, RaGe.
Ps. I was going to get a picture of the Krew but every time i tried to leave town i was logged. I've got to get a new line of work, this reporting is getting to dangerous! (j/k)

GG: So the Klowns have come to town, what can we expect of you?
RaGe tells you, "A lot of pking, but not any trash talking really."
RaGe tells you, "most everyone is just having fun and killing out of having a good time rather than hatred like most guild wars."
RaGe tells you, "whether you kill a 40hp character, or a 140hp character its just loads of fun. I think the funniest part is the smaller pkers who are qor at 40hp and are able to hold their grounds with us big heads backing them up and taking a lot of the blows."
GG: i think it is safe to say a lot of people would want to know this.... do you camp ghosts?
RaGe tells you, "camping ghost...... I personally don't like to b/c if you get logged even if you haven't been logged in 5 days you still suffer a pen."
RaGe tells you, "It depends on the mood really, if we think we can kill a kill and hold our grounds, then sure we'll camp."
GG: Tell us one of your fondest memories while Pking.
RaGe tells you, "ah just recently when Maelstorm, Oshi, barcode and myself raided Tos and killed one person after another, I don't know if they were just not logging or what, but I counted 5 kills in about 25 seconds. The most fun I ever had, even more fun than fighting a war with mules and people afraid to change color."
GG: ok... who thought of the idea of Krazy Killer Klowns.
RaGe tells you, "Maelstorm"
GG: So if you pked someone, and then realized they were a newbie, would you do anything that would offset their fears?
RaGe tells you, "There is no such thing, when I first came here with 187, I was killed at 34hp... I was killed about 12x total from 34hp to 90, then 4 more times to 120 and about 3 since I been pking. I was hunted non-stop."
RaGe tells you, "It depends really I don't think one pker is targeting a single person. We are not gunning for the same person day in and day out. We really try to kill anyone we can 30hp or 150hp."
RaGe tells you, "Anyhow, now that people are so aware of the pk guild they are logging at higher hp's and taking less of a chance."
GG: Any plans on doing something about this if only to ensure that Newbies aren't scared off the server?
RaGe tells you, "none yet, but we might, I myself try not to pk noobs. Pking noobs to me is a waste of time and regs. I have passed up a lot of people just walking around the land. However if the person is low on hp and seems a bit tough I will try to get a few shots in to get a death hit and kill them."
GG: why did you, personally, start to PK?
RaGe tells you, "The only reason I started to pk is this... here is your answer to my thinking its very important :P please mention it :P"
RaGe tells you, "Waring only allows you to use scim/wc and qor hold for the most part. I have this character with all this potential, web, 99% lighting bolt, earth quake, purge, dazzle numerous touch spells."
RaGe tells you, "I wanted to utilize my character and put him in situations that I could use most of his attributes."
RaGe tells you, "for example earth quake is so much fun and it hits so hard, I could never use it in a war."
RaGe tells you, "you don't see many people using lightning bolt in a war either, or firewall, web.
RaGe tells you, "it is so much more fun pking with a diverse character as opposed to: scim/hold/purge scim hold purge."
GG: Name 2 things that would enhance PKing and/or PvP"
RaGe tells you, "pvp, get rid of the faction loss and implement it some other way."
RaGe tells you, "Increase mages long ranged attack so that mages can inflict as much damage long ranged as a warrior can with bow."
GG: do you have any advice for budding PKers out there?"
RaGe tells you, "yah, don't give into pking too early get your character established and fully built before you decide to pk."
RaGe tells you, "its no fun when your logged in 2 hits and cannot defend yourself or fight back b/c you are simply too weak and haven not gained enough hp's or mastered any schools."
GG: All right, thank you for the interview. Any shout-outs before we go?
RaGe tells you, "Shout out to 187, oshi and Maelstorm for helping kick off Krazy Killer Klowns."

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