Welcome Sinacul, the new Events Manager
11/13/2002 5:20:05 PM - FattyMoo
Hey, all. I'd like to take a moment to welcome the newest member of the NDS team, Sinacul. He's our new events manager and has been tasked with doing events to make things fun around here.
Sinacul comes fairly highly qualified. He's a gamer at heart like the rest of us. He has run both paper RPG sessions and large live-action (LARP) sessions with many players. We feel this qualifications make him a good candidate to run events.
Of course, he's still a bit new in this capacity. Bear with him as he finds his stride and makes events people will enjoy. Also remember that he's not here to handle customer service issues; please contact Help if you have any customer service issues that need attention. Remember that running events takes a lot of attention and he may not be able to respond to non-event questions or requests very quickly if he is busy.
Anyway, I will let him introduce himself to everyone. I'm sure he'll do a great job. :)
Source: Psychochild - psychochild@neardeathstudios.com