Daring daylight armed robbery!
11/12/2002 11:56:27 AM - Gilroy
Caramo's justice department is investigating the daring armed robbery of Skivlat's First Royal Bank of Tos. At approximately 3:45 Meridian Standard Time (MST), 3 'cloaked' men burst into the office brandishing hammers and demanding all the money in the vaults. The suspects fled with an undisclosed amount of shillings. Of the three armed suspects, only one has been identified. Authorities, however, are keeping tight-lipped. When asked if there was any link to the recent spree of blind and swap incidents that has plagued the beleaguered town of Tos in the past few weeks, Caramo's replied, "there is nothing to link Roqs network of assassins to this incident." And "no further comments".
Our reporter, Fat. E. Moo, in Tos spoke to Skivlat following the incident. Skivlat was found sitting in a corner weeping openly.
FM, "can you describe what happened here?"
Skivlat, "my shillings… my precious shillings"
FM, "Umm ooook, so you were saying about the events…?"
Skivlat, "they came in under the cover of 'darkness', brandishing hammers. One of them told me that one hit of his hammer would blind me! *sniff sniff*. The other claimed he could paralyze me with his hammer, and demanded all my precious shilling… my shillings *sniff sniff*. They were so pretty!"
After questioning of the one suspect apprehended, and the seizure of his weapon, It was discovered the weapons were only Bonk Sticks and were not dangerous.
Anyone with information regarding this incident is requested to contact the justicar's office. There is a reward offered by Skivlat himself of 10 shilling (the cheap skate!) for the return of the over 1 million shillings.
In an unrelated event, makers of Bonk StickÒ, God's Inc, is re-calling it's Meridian "year 5" models. Recent studies by the academy of Necro-Mancers, have shown repeated use of Bonk SticksÒ can make you blind.
***TONIGHT, on Meridian server 101…
The Phoenix PacKers vs. The Houston Hunters.
BE THERE! Show time is 8:30 MST.
Watch the action on Fam's new wide screen Scrying crystal ball!
½ price Wheels of cheese between the hours of 7:30 and 8:30 MST.
Your shrunken head would never forgive you if you missed this!
*** Prizes for best-dressed mules!
Source: Gilean - gilean@gilcon.net