Visit by Madame Yaga
10/18/2002 7:41:50 PM - Gilroy
We had a visit by Madame Yaga tonight. She had a little message for us.
You feel a mystical force enter The Streets of Tos.
You feel the presence of an important figure nearing.
Madame Yaga bows gracefully, though relies heavily on her aged wooden staff.
Madame Yaga says, "Welcome, children of the Meridian."
Madame Yaga says, "It has been many years since I have wandered through this realm and I come now relaying a vision of great importance."
Madame Yaga says, "Soon a battle will ensue between two great leaders, the noble Duke Akardius and the fair Princess Kateriina. As with every great struggle there is bound to be conflict and I sense the negotiations coming to an end."
Madame Yaga says, "One day from now something is going to instigate a fight between these two great factions. I know not what but I fear there will be much bloodshed."
Madame Yaga says, "Come prepared for you have several choices. Either stand by your faction and stay true to your leader or change your allegiance. Those of you who follow the rebel Jonas or have pledged to no faction thus far may also choose a side. "
Madame Yaga says, "Remember, once you choose a side that choice is permanent, though it will not change your current faction standings."
Madame Yaga says, "Regardless of your current faction you can pledge allegience to either leader."
Madame Yaga says, "Neither side will outnumber the other by a certian amount."
Madame Yaga says, "Are there any questions before I depart?"
Madame Yaga says, "Ah, only the knowledge that your loyalty to your leader was unflagging."
Madame Yaga says, "Since it will occur when the skies boil red with the fury of Qor there shall be no penalties, and thus no rewards. At the end of the battle the side with the most kills will emerge victorious."
Madame Yaga says, "Any more questions? My ties to the Meridian grow weak."
Madame Yaga says, "The one you call Psychochild will inform you more."
Madame Yaga says, "It will take place one of your 'real life' days from now."
Madame Yaga says, "I bid thee farewell my children."