Gilroy's m59 Reference

Hollywood Shono and Raiven get hitched, Meridian style!
10/5/2002 11:13:51 PM - FattyMoo

The magical union of Hollywood Shono and Raiven

These rings represent your love and commitment to one another. The ring is a circle... a symbol of the love which you two share... for like these golden circles your love is never-ending.

With no map to guide us, we wander blindly, sometimes aimlessly, with intuition and faith alone to serve as signposts. We may withdraw, seeking company with those that prefer the known places to the dark and wild wood, or we may wander into the wood.

May Faren's fire fill you with passion for each other.

A massive boom of thunder rolls through the shuddering air.

May Kraanan give you the strength to endure life's trials.

A sudden triumphant cry of victory splits the heavens.

May Qor keep any evil that opposes you at bay.

A chill runs up your spine and the shadows seem suddenly darker and more foreboding.

May Riija's trickery and deceit never come between you.

Mischievous laughter cascades down from the heavens.

May Jala's songs always fill your hearts with joy.

And, may Shal'ille's warmth guide your love for all eternity.

You are seized by a sense of sudden well being, as though you were being held and comforted.

Behold, what came as two lights goes forth as one eternal flame.


Psychochild says, "May your lives be happy and uninterrupted by being OOGed. :)"


Any wellwishers please post your thoughts here, as well as see the weddings log!

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