Of Bullies, Tanks, and a Little Sumt'n-Sumt'n with Q
5/11/2002 10:06:32 AM - -n8-
In Meridian, there are two types of characters: The Bully and The Tank. The kind that can have a WC/Kranny/Qor guy with 130 HP (Bully) can be built in a month, easy; the Tank usually involves 4 schools, a lot more HP, and therefore takes a little longer to build. The people about whom you take issue (i.e. those you believe are ruining this game) are the Bullies. They can mass-produce their characters and take advantage of people, even with a so-so hold, medium-strength inviso, and crappy blind. They love to take advantage of those who cannot stand up for themselves yet. This is a meridian rite of passage--after years of the game's existence, the Bullies have perfected the art of quick character-creation for their own good. And while they've done that, they have tarnished the good of the game, and many people get sick of it and go away. Then, when all the people are gone, the Bullies feel insecure and try to sell their accounts (any of this sounding familiar?) so they can go somewhere else and do it again.
All the while, the Tanks are being built. And when the Tanks are built (normally takes about 2.5 to 3 months to build one), where are the Bullies? bored and gone, or sitting in inns, afraid of the tanks, but happy to recall how they "ruled the server" before. Or perhaps you've heard this before: "I am no longer PKing; if you still have me KOS for some reason, please contact me so I can make amends." Peace is restored to Meridian, but the land is so empty, who cares?
Take heart, people of Meridian. You who love to abide in the realm without being verbally-abused, you who appreciate good PvP without the "your mom" talk broadcasted and shouted from inns, you who can handle being PKed as long as you know someone is on your assassin's heels, you who feel neglected because you are being bullied simply because they CAN...you people, stay your post. Remain in the realm you've trusted for so long. Give the Tanks the time...they are coming. Justice comes for the patient, redemption for the long-sufferers. Take a few days off, if you must...but do not throw away what you have. Switch to commercial, pay the money, and keep building. Today is not your day...but tomorrow is.
To you who despise what is honorable, I dare you to stick around. I recommend you keep building so that you are ready when your judgement approaches, but if you do need to take a break, do so. Just remember that everything you cry about is coming. You want a challenge, I recommend you keep building...your challenge is coming.
PC and Q have a good game here, folks. If we'd quit complaining about it and just play it within the rules it has, we'd find it more to our liking. I'd like to see us in RL say, "Y'know...this world would be SOOOO much better if I could fly. Yah...that's it...fly." And then start complaining to God that you want to be able to have wings because it would be more fun if we had wings. And if He would just remove that damned aging thing....
The truth is, we don't complain about those things because we know that they're the rules that have been given to us. Just accept the rules Q and PC have decided upon. They let us have some input...how many games have paused their production to ask what YOU thought? Not many. They listened, folks...just because they didn't agree with you doesn't mean they're 3DO all over again. Live with their rules and make the best you can out of what they've given. If you're still not having fun, shut up and leave...the rest of us don't want to hear your belly-aching. We've all got jobs, school, significant others, and children or parents. We have enough problems in our RL worlds--we don't want to suffer through your dissatisfactions.
When you saw NDS was bringing Meridian back, you were excited, I know it. You probably even committed yourself (or at least prepared yourself) for the $10.95/month fee. So keep with your plan. The future of this game depends on what you do the next three months. $33. Just $33. You spend more on a Friday night date. Give PC and Q a little credit; give them three months of commercial. How many "bad dates" have you had? Ok, give NDS a chance...worst-case scenario is that after 3 months, you chalk it up under the bad date column. NDS may not get you laid, but there is a really good chance you'll have a lot of fun along the way.
Be a part of the Meridian History. It exists as long as you give it a chance.