Gilroy's m59 Reference

Participate in the Meridian 59 Survey!
6/7/1999 5:59:07 PM - Gilroy

Dear Meridian 59 Customer,

We have heard from many of you about how to improve your enjoyment of Meridian. Pricing and merging servers are the top two issues that have been raised and evaluated. There are many options to consider in the potential implementation of each plan, and we would like further input from all of you, our loyal players.

We wish to change the price as well as the price model of the game, and move in a direction more to your liking. Although the conversion has been slow, work has been completed which takes us in the right direction. As we progress, we will bring you more news. The general goal is to drop the price and move to a flat rate billing system, eliminating the problems that the session based system has exhibited.

As for the server merges, early findings have been established, but the conclusiveness of their results have not been verified and fully tested yet. Below are some of the possible ways to merge the servers, and following is a small survey which will give us a better idea of what you want from this experience:

1. Merge two or more servers, completely resetting to give all players a fresh start. This would allow for the cleansing of many 'Grand fathered' character bugs, and would give all players an equal playing field in regards to advancement, spells, and guilds.
2. Merge two or more servers, but allowing players to keep the majority of their items intact. The current state of development (what is being worked on and tested now) would accommodate this. The exception being players with duplicate names may have a modification or change to it, and those who possess Ao3s, SOTHs, are in guilds, own guild halls, have rentable rooms, other singular items, or items in vaults would most likely lose all of these things.
3. Do not do a server merge, but make other servers available such as a fresh (new characters only) server or an extreme server where PvP is recommended. This would take extra time to create beyond the current development work being done and tested.
4. Do not do a merge, and continue to work on the development of the current technology. Possibly in the near future, complete merges would be allowed, although keeping duplicate names, halls, and guild names is suspect.
5. Merge two or more servers, but keep only names (mostly) and age.

1. Of the five options available above, which do you support most? 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
2. Do you support server merges? Y/N
3. If it were possible to switch servers keeping most items intact, but not all, i.e. transport your character from one server to another, would you still support server merges? Y/N
4. If you had to start all over because no items could be transferred, would you still support a server merge? Y/N
5. Would you prefer server wipes so that everyone can start with a clean slate (Some servers would be removed to foster community with the remaining players.)? Y/N
6. Would you like an "extreme" server where there are red skies all the time? Y/N
7. Would you like a new server to be opened, so that you could start a new account on there without having to worry about older characters? Y/N
8. If we cannot transfer items with your character, would you favor a server merge? Y/N
9. If we cannot transfer special items (like Swords of the Hunt and Amulets of the Three), and we made them available to players on a first come, first serve basis, would you favor a server merge? Y/N
10. If you are in a guild and if your guild shares the same name as a guild on a merged server, would you accept that your guild may have to be re-named? Y/N
11. If you possessed a guild hall and could not keep it, would you still favor a server merge? Y/N
12. If another character shares the same name as your character on a merged server, would you accept that your character be re-named? Y/N
13. Do you have accounts on multiple servers? Y/N
14. If you have accounts on multiple servers, would you cancel additional accounts if two (or more) servers you have accounts on are merged? Y/N
15. Would your friends or acquaintances be encouraged to return to the game based on a server merge? Y/N
16. Would your friends or acquaintances be encouraged to return to the game based on a price reduction? Y/N
17. Would you prefer a flat rate pay model (of a lesser price) or just a drop in the session based billing? Flat-rate/Lower Session

Please send your response to this email to You will only receive an auto-response, but please note that your input is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

The Meridian 59 Staff and Customer Support

Source: The Meridian 59 Staff and Customer Support -

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