Gilroy's m59 Reference

Golden Artist Competition
3/4/2002 3:33:23 PM - Darx : PCP

I am hosting an artistry competition named the "Golden Artist Competition" where you get the chance to design your own Meridian item. Your item can be based on whatever you want but it should have some loose connection to Meridian, you can use whatever tools you want to try to demonstate your idea.

Some ideas:
A picture of your proposed item that you have drawn.
A text review of what your item is all about. What it does, if its armor or a weapon how much damage it deals/absorbs, what bonus's this item gives ect.

An example of the type of entry I am looking for is here. I have added a small picture and some text to acompany it. While I have layed it out in a meridian window box you dont need to bother with that.

Be as creative as you want. Please send all entries to

Once the competition is closed the items will be voted on by the meridian community. Thanks for taking the time to read this and GOOD LUCK! =)

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