What, When, How Much!?
The biggest question since we purchased Meridian 59 has been "When can I play!?" Many fans were disappointed that we didn't just immediately throw the game online for everyone to play. Unfortunately setting up a gaming service takes a lot of work behind the scenes. However we do understand that everyone wants to play right away. So as stated in last week's newsletter, we'll be holding a Pre-Launch phase where a limited number of fans will be able to play the game. This will give some of our feverish fans an opportunity to get back into their favorite online game in a commercial environment where the characters they build will remain.
We initially decided to limit the Pre-Launch phase to only those that purchase the Limited Edition CD. However, upon doing so, there was a great outcry from our fans outside of the US and Canada. While the full commercial phase allows any player to download the game client and play right away, the Limited Edition CD requirement of the Pre-Launch excluded international players due to extremely absurd shipping costs. Therefore we've decided to make a concession based on international player feedback. Up to one hundred fans outside of the US and Canada that wish to be a part of the Pre-Launch will be able to purchase a Pre-Launch account for the same price that US and Canadian players pay for the limited edition CD. The international customers that purchase a Pre-Launch account will be able to download the client by password protected FTP. Players in Canada may also download the game client to ensure that they have the software by opening day should their CDs get slowed down in Customs.
International customers that purchase a Pre-Launch account that would like a physical CD for collecting may contact us and make arrangements to have one sent to them at their cost.
All players will receive their logon information by E-Mail on opening day so that everyone that joins the Pre-Launch phase will be able to begin play at the same time. Those that download will not have an advantage over those getting their Limited Edition CD mailed to them.
Pricing for the Pre-Launch accounts will be $35 US. For Americans and Canadians this includes the Limited Edition CD with shipping included. As stated there will be only 1000 Pre-Launch accounts for players in the US and Canada and 100 for players outside of the US and Canada. There will be a restriction of only two Pre-Launch accounts per shipping address to give all of our fans a fair chance to participate. Pre-Launch accounts will also include an extra character slot for a total of three characters per account. These accounts include unlimited playtime during the Pre-Launch phase which will last from two to six weeks at which time the game will go live to full commercial release. When the game goes live to full commercial release these accounts will turn into normal Meridian 59 Gameplay Subscriptions at a cost of $10.95 per month. At full commercial release anyone will be able to sign up for a Meridian 59 Gameplay Subscription for $10.95 per month with two character slots included.
At this time there are no plans for selling additional character slots on accounts though this may be considered in the future. There will be no limit as to how many accounts one person can own.
Please note that the Limited Edition CD must be purchased through Near Death Studios in order to receive an account and extra character slot. Purchasing the CD from a friend or an auction website will not get you an account as the account is set up at the time of purchase.
We expect to put the Limited Edition CDs and Pre-Launch account sign-ups for sale on our website once the CDs have been delivered from manufacturing. They are expected here late next week. We will announce the sale on our website, through our mailing list, and alert news websites. Those interested in purchasing and signing up should watch for news, as demand seems to be pretty high. The Pre-Launch is expected to go live shortly afterward, between the 11th and 13th of March. These dates are of course subject to change but the date will be announced at the time of purchase.