Gilroy's m59 Reference

Official Meridian 59 Newsletter 01-25-2002
1/26/2002 11:18:06 AM - Gilroy

Another week has gone by with a flash and a flurry bringing us just days away from external testing. The game server is on its way to our ISP and should be up and running by Tuesday. After a quick going over we should be able to get people on there and testing by late Wednesday or Thursday. Admittedly this is a little later than we wanted to get the server in place but building a company and everything is pretty tricky. Although some soon-to-be players are getting frustrated with the wait, we’re still meeting with internal expectations. Here’s some of what’s happened this past week…

Everyone's favorite pub updated
As Meridian 59 was expanded and enhanced over the years some changes were made to old favorites that people just didn’t like. At the top of that list is Familiars. It was the first pub in the game and players have made it their primary hang out. With the graphical enhancements brought with the Renaissance release, Familiars was changed dramatically. With the NDS release fans of the game saw a chance to get their favorite pub back the way they remember it. Although the original level file isn’t being put back in place, a new Familiars has been built taking the best of the old and the new to create a place everyone should enjoy. Read about the changes in the latest article in our new About Meridian 59 section of the Official Meridian 59 Website.

Brian's Bug Bashing
Brian keeps pumping out changes to tighten up the game before launch. He’s like this rabid berserker working eighteen-hour days with this maniacal grin cranking out as much code as he can while still dealing with taxes and corporate paperwork. Frankly it scares me, but hey, the game’s getting better every day. Forum frequenters may notice several of the below changes having come from players posting there.

  • Changed Rescue to be more like it's former version. It now puts a delay after the casting of the spell. After the delay, you are teleported to a safe spot. The delay is reduced as spell power increases.
  • Expanded variables of treasure drop rates to allow more flexibility and control.
  • Hid mainland reagents on island merchants at increased prices.
  • Turned the interior of the Remote Trading Post into an inn type place meaning healing rates are increased and safe logoffs are allowed in the area.
  • Connected island newsglobe with the newsglobes from the mainland.
  • Made it so that Blue Mushrooms are a bit more common and Purple Mushrooms are a bit less common.
  • Split Purify into offensive and defensive versions of the spell. The defensive version, which will remain named Purify, removes negative personal enchantments with a percentage chance per enchantment. The offensive version, which is named Purge, removes beneficial pesonal enchantments also with a chance per enchantment.
  • Reduced Purify's level to 4 from 5. Also reduced mana cost.
  • Changed Purge to be an offensive spell.
  • Increased Purge's reagent cost to 5 Emeralds from 2 and reduced mana cost.
  • Added spell Escape as 6th level Riija. Works similar to the teleportation version of Rescue. Allows players to teleport to various towns. Higher spellpower means more towns. High spellpower even allows teleportation to the Island. Self-cast only.
  • Changed reagent for Escape to 1 Polished Seraphym.
  • Moved Mace Fighting down to 1st level from 2nd level.
  • Moved Fencing down to 3rd level from 4th level.
  • Moved Scimitar Wielding up to 4th level from 3rd level.
  • Added rings of resistance.
  • Increased the duration of resist rings.
  • Changed personal enchantments to prevent people from casting them on others in "safe" areas such as inns. This prevents people from running from a town battle to an inn and buffing up in safety before returning to battle.

Love the changes? Hate them? The game will be up to test out pretty soon. For now get over and discuss them on the Official Meridian 59 Forums.

Jessica Mulligan lays it all out
In her latest Biting the Hand article, Jessica Mulligan reminds everyone that the world did not begin with Ultima Online and explains how she sees the division of online game generations. Our very own Meridian 59 is listed as the start of the current, third generation. Meridian 59 wasn’t created with a professional sized development team or budget, but it’s good to be remembered and the start of the third generation is certainly where we’d place the game.

Source: Near Death Studios -

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