Gilroy's m59 Reference

Meridian in Mainstream Magazine - Page 52, PC Gamer February Ed.
1/11/2002 6:16:35 AM - Sindar

Just thought I'd highlight this post by Horde, letting everyone know about M59's recognition in a mainstream magazine:

It's a 1.5'' x 5'' box that mentions the upcoming re-release (I hate that word) of Meridian, with a graphic of someone wearing old-school scale, grs, and a LS.

The box reads "Meridian 59, R.I.P?" as the title and says as follows..

"Launched in '96, Meridian 59 was the first graphics-based massively multiplayer game. Its servers were shut down in late 2000, and though M59 continued unofficially for months afterward in Germany and Russia, the adventure had ended. Or had it? In December 2001, Near Death Studios - a small company made of former M59 developers - bought the rights, and plans to relaunch it in the future."

Note the final sentence about buying the rights. Just more water to throw on the nay-sayers and disbelievers.

Does Devil wear an eyepatch and have a pegleg in real life? Can I make a donation of a parrot that repeats the phrase "Make 'em walk the plank" and get a free server-parasite, er, god-built character? I heard Devil named his car the Jolly Roger, can anyone confirm this?

Enough Devil bashing =) Damn intellectual rights, always spark up the intensity in people. Arrr

Let the flames begin!

Source: Horde -

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