Quick Update
Not a whole lot to report. Things slowed down a bit with the holidays. There isn't really a lot of information to release this week. We're still finalizing the game's hosting so we can't announce a target date for testing until that's settled.
The forums have been hot with tons of posts and lots of good discussion. We're really pleased by the contributions of the fans. Most everyone seems to be choosing to have constructive debates and few posts have had to be removed. If you haven't yet, be sure to get over there, post, and vote on our polls.
Rob keeps trudging through on things like working out hosting, hardware, and all. He's finalizing the new website layout so we'll have an easier time growing the site as we have new content to share. Rob is also going through the old help file/manual and updating it and reorganizing it a little. All of the help manual will be kept online so that the players will always have the most updated version. In the past the file was saved on the players' hard drive which really isn't appropriate for an online game.
Brian continues to crush the bugs. However, he's also stuck dealing with year end paperwork. Rob has his uses, but thankfully corporate paperwork is not on his list. Brian is also very active on the forums since most of the topics are directed toward things he's working on. Look for another Brian's Bug Bashing update next week.
We hope you are all enjoying your holidays and your time off. Have fun with the changing of the year!