Meridian 60?
11/14/2000 6:41:17 PM - Kyrie Elieson
Interview between a Interviewer and Dakka of de Lair.
I: Do you think there will ever be another meridian for the english?
DL: Fat chance.
I: Do you believe Meridian 60 or anything like that will ever come into play?
DL: Only if it's in German or some other language.
I: If what you tell me is true, do you believe 3DO would ever sell Meridian?
DL: Possibly, but if the German Servers are still running most likely not.
I: Would you ever consider programming your own MMPRPG (Massively Multiplayer Role-playing Game)?
DL: If I aquire the skill, maybe.
I: Have you played any other online RPGs?
DL: Yes, I've played EQ, AC, The Realm, and Illusia.
I: Have you ever thought about online Strategy Role-playing games like Shattered Galaxy?
DL: It's crossed my mind yes.
I: Did you enjoy Meridian 59, when it was running on the English servers?
I: Well thats all the time we have thank you Dakka.
DL: No problem.