RIP M59 - Thurday, August 31, 2000 - 4PM PDT
6/28/2000 10:23:26 PM - Hawkeye
Greetings Meridianites,
It is with a heavy heart that we announce the time has come for the curtain to fall on Meridian 59. On August 31, 2000 at 4 p.m. PDT, the Meridian 59 servers will cease operations permanently.
To thank you for your loyalty and past support of Meridian 59, we are planning to provide you the final three months of play at no charge, from June 1 through August 31, 2000. This should allow you plenty of time to say your fond farewells, exchange contact information with your friends, and even have one last grand blowout of a guild war if you choose.
New account creation has already been disabled, so if you do not already have an account of your own, you will not be able to create one. (Please do not call us; we will not create new accounts for any reason.) Please also understand that we will not be providing support for the servers during the remainder of the period of free play, nor will we be providing technical support for customers. If the system experiences any bugs, glitches, crashes, or other unforeseen events or circumstances, it will not be repaired.
We thank you for your dedication and devotion to this pioneering effort in online gaming. The first chapter of Meridian 59 went live October 1, 1996, and less than fifteen months later players had collectively logged over one million hours of play time. Meridianites were making friends, getting married online and selling high-level characters long before anyone had even heard of eBay.
When the stories are told, it will be the essences of the characters created by you that will be the spice of the tale. It was truly an epic adventure!
The Guardians of Meridian
Source: GuardianKana -