War on 103....Update
5/4/2000 3:35:40 PM - Nozzle Man
Someone e-mailed me this
Thought I would give you the inside on the war considering I was in the target guild for a while.
Basically the HP and IC have been at each otehrs throats for the last couple montsh, which encompasses my entire time on the server, seeing as I just moved there myself.
Basically the HP was losing every war and asking for peace in the end, which was always given with littel circumstances to the losers. To even the odds the HP swung a win in the Justicar elections and pardoned 4 random pkers. The strongest members of the IC were all red and had no chance against the 15+ HP and the random pkers who threw in with them along with the previous "colored" pkers. Needless to say the IC had to all go colored or wait for the next election and wait it out. The IC decided to wait it out, but the IC guild disbanded yesterday for various reason I will not go into, which really puts an end to the war.
I figure the war is over because the war was really targeted at the IC guild leader, and the rest of the IC are scattered through variuos other guilds now, so unless the HP wants to take on the whole server, the war is over. cheers!
-Sir James
Source: Sir James (103) - rockstewy@aol.com