Gilroy's m59 Reference

Terminated? Previously banned? Read.
3/7/2000 10:20:09 AM - Gilroy

Yes, this is the real GuardianKana, as Gilroy can verify.

After a great deal of thought, I have decided to announce an amnesty for the vast majority of banned players. The only players that this will not apply to are those termed for RL offenses, fraud or Guardian/Guide abuse, and Dementia.

First the specifics, then the general:

1) We will not unban credit cards. You must find a new card to use.

2) Likewise, we will not release accounts previously shut down. You'll need to start a new char.

3) There will be NO second chances. As a matter of fact, I don't want to know that you are even on the server. Maintain a low profile. Don't bcast that you are 'back'. A while back, someone posted about how to avoid being termed, and it was dead on. Don't harrass, don't swear, don't draw attention to yourself. Yes, this means you are not to pollute the broadcast channel with profane smack talk. I expect it to remain in group sends. (It is Random Smites for Personal Insults in Broadcast month on 107, fair warning- I monitor servers and don't cotton to public personal attacks. Furthermore, I have rediscovered my joy in imping Smite. If you must insult, do it in tells so the target has the option of ignoring you, and don't be so rude as to subject an entire server to your negative views of another.)

4) If the servers become flooded with a bunch of people acting like asses, I will not hesitate to revoke this trial program. You may have heard I am leaving Meridian and may view this as an idle threat. It is not, I will be happy to donate a few hours for this.

5) You *must* adhere to Kana's Law of the Jungle:

There is nothing wrong with being random at all... In the wild, a lion will only kill what he can eat. He does not ask the animal he hunts for permission to eat it, and he does not waste precious resources or energy killing what he cannot use. You should view PKing this way. You can kill a lot, but there is a critical limit after which you are burning resources faster than they can be replaced i.e. - when PKing becomes so prominent that more ppl leave than sign up new. This is bad. Kill, enjoy, but don't overdo it.

Having said the serious stuff, here it what it boils down to: let's have as much fun as we can with what we have, while we can. Come back to the servers and have a last hurrah, plan a huge, historic guild war with AGREED TO RULES OF CONDUCT (this is more important that you know). When you agree to rules, abide by them. It is much more rewarding to win a battle on your strengths rather than your knowledge of bugs. Remember that there can be honor among theives. Wash behind your ears. (D'oh, sounding like a parent here...)

You get the idea. Stand out by your actions, not your attitude. Speak with those actions, rather than broadcasts.

Make war, make friends, and make some memories.

Source: GuardianKana -

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