Gilroy's m59 Reference

Psychochild says, Goodbye my friends.
3/4/2000 3:36:34 PM - Gilroy

From the Designers' News Globe on server 108

Well, it's the end of another era for Meridian. It's with a bit of sadness that I announce my departure from 3DO.

For those few that don't know me, I am one of the programmers for Meridian. I started back in May of 1998. For a stretch of time, I was the only programmer on the project. I was moved to work on another game full-time several months ago, but still put in some bug fixes when I could.

This is really one of those bittersweet goodbyes. I love Meridian and gave countless hours to improving it with no regrets. I made a lot of good friends, too. But, it is time for me to move on.

I don't have a new job secured quite yet. I definitely want to stay in online games, so you can expect to see the original Psychochild involved in an online game somewhere in the future.

Thanks, all, for a great time. I've arranged to keep a character on the servers, so I'll try to come back and visit occasionally, but it won't be in an official sense. So, be nice to me when you see me next. ;)

If you want more information, go cast Blink in the Councilors' Chambers in Castle Bourgeois. Go read the book there. You'll learn more than you probably ever wanted to.

If anyone's interested in contacting me, feel free to write me at: Be patient, I expect to get a small mountain of Email and it'll take a while to respond to people.

Anyway, take care. I've valued my time here as a programmer and I value the friends I've made in this time.

A toast to Meridian 59! May it never be forgotten.

Source: Psychochild -

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