Kana speaks about the server merge and more
2/28/2000 5:21:46 PM - Gilroy
The following was pulled from the message board today.
Yes, it's really me, and Gilroy can verify this. In respect for his continuation of this site and dedication to Meridian, I am offering Gilroy a scoop, right here and right now. Friday, I accepted a promotion within 3DO and will be retiring as an active Guardian. Furthermore, I am CONSIDERING a one-time amnesty for all previously banned players, EXCEPT those banned for Guardian abuse or bringing RL to the game. I'll be discussing this with the other Guardians and the SrGuides. If this was abused, I would have no choice but to mount one last wild termination spree, but I'd prefer to allow most everyone to return to enjoy the golden final months of Meridian, and I'd like to see a huge, epic war fought for the fun of the battle, rather than spite the other side. It is true that merges will most likely not happen now. The circumstances are unfortunate, for if someone had not emailed Trip asking about them, they might still be in progress. =( This was instrumental in my decision to accept my new post, as the hope of merges and what they would bring to Meridian was really what kept me alive there- the dream of merged servers and again thriving populations. I cannot express how heartbroken I am at this turn of events, nor how bitterly angry I was when I learned of the details. I will be gradually transistioning out of Meridian over the next couple weeks. Source: GuardianKana |