Gilroy's m59 Reference

Backward's Man Hints For Newbies
8/7/2001 4:58:21 PM - Server KOS

Here are some tips for the newbies! Gilroy couldn't have said it better himself!

Tip 1) Always wear plate armor and hold a knight's shield. You see, this combination typically tells a Pker "stay away, I am powerful." Its true, too. In the old days, plate armor was gold to give an extra warning from far away for murders to back off. No Pker would dare attack someone of any HP with the godly combination of plate and ks. Not to mention plate and KS actually weaken magical attacks. *Note* Never wear leather armor, this attracts PKs to you like flies. It amplifies magic attacks almost tenfold.

Tip 2) If you don't follow my advice by wearing plate/ks and you are attacked by a PK, there are a few things you can do. One thing to remember is stand ABSOLUTELY STILL. Like a T-Rex from Jurassic Park, Pkers can usually only see moving objects or people. This way you will seemingly "vanish" to the PKer and he may be confused into believing that he was all along attacking the ant or spider you were attacking. While standing still, the Pker may prode you with a touch of flame or two...Be brave and be patient. He will eventually get bored and leave and you will be alive.

Tip 3) If you just can't stand still or the Pker knows that you are there beyond shadow of a doubt, try and position yourself inbetween the monster you were fighting and the Pker. Running circles around the Pker also helps. Never run away, as that leaves an open shot to your back. Running in circles around the PK or positioning yourself between him and the monster may cause the monster to mysteriously change targets and start attacking (and killing) the murderer. This almost always works.

Tip 4) Never, ever fight back. This actually angers the PK more and will put your life in greater danger. Never log off, either, as the time it takes for your computer to disconnect you will surely get you killed. See tips 2 and 3 on how to avoid getting killed.

Tip 5) Once you reach 30 HP, be sure to bcast that you got that far and your location. Having the server know your location will be sure to keep potential PKers away.

Tip 6) Talk lots of smack to Pkers when you're under 30. That way they will be afraid of you and try and stay as far as possible away so that when you reach 30 hp, they won't risk being killed by you. (Even though you will know attacking them is stupid!)

Tip 7) When poisoned by a spider and at 1 HP: relax. You won't die from the poison, but a Pker might kill you in one hit! To avoid this, broadcast what is going on and where you are so Pkers know to stay away. Typically say something like 'I'm at 1 hp from spider poison in the flatlands...Someone help if you can.' Help will be just around the corner.

Tip 8) If you were a PK hunter on another server, make sure to tell everyone. For instance 'This server is great! I can't wait to be a PK hunter like I was on 115 with Coca Cobana Cartel!' etc. PKers will definatly fear you and stay as far away as possible from potential hunters, knowing you will one day track them down and protect other newbies.

Tip 9) Be nice to Pkers as much as possible when you have a new guild. For instance, get yourself in a secluded town like Jasper and invite a PKer into your new guild. Make sure you are alone to prove you are not afraid, but also make sure you wear your Plate and KS so the PKer knows you mean business. Once he joins your guild, he may attack you once or twice to test you, but eventually he will begin to like you. Play it cool.

Tip 10) Never use banks. Skivlat has been known to "forget" where all your shillings are. Make sure to carry it always with you. If you wear plate and KS while holding a huge fortune, rest easy: Its safe, as I've explained, because Pkers will not attack you.

I hope these help you. Good luck, newbies, and may Shal'ille protect you against PKers!

Source: Backwards Man (Russian 109)

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