Gilroy's m59 Reference

You know you’re a Meridian Red-Neck, if …
1/26/2000 11:34:46 AM - Gilroy

  1. You were born in dem dere hills of Jasper.
  2. You see a message that says "You have improved in the art of Toothpickin'. "
  3. You ask Greenwich or Zjiria to make you a plaid scale and a Camouflage huntin' bow.
  4. When you kill an Avar and yell "Damn it duus taste like chicken."
  5. Your guild hall has mounted creatures of every shape and size, or even a human or two, on the wall.
  6. When you say "troll" to rook and he says "Well usually it would be tantamount to suicide to attack one, but judging by the smell of your B.O. it shouldn’t pose any threat."
  7. You wear dark green or brown to blend in with the terrain.
  8. When you say "orc teeth" to Paddock, and he says "Yes yours do look allot like them."
  9. You brag about your punch percent."
  10. In your bio it says Maw: Elle, Paw: Jed, Sister: Ellie Maye, Married to Ellie Maye.
  11. The only food you carry is chicken and beer.
  12. You b-cast FER SALE: Ring of far resistents, Scale Armer, and a Mistick."
  13. When you die and you b-cast "who the hell luuted my Beer!!"
  14. When you fightn' you say "Hold on" and spit yer tabacci in a empty flask.
  15. You wear an eye-patch and tell people "Its frum an old huntin' accident."
  16. When you go fight on the beach you put on your official #3 gargoyle racing sunglasses.
  17. Your guild is called The Hunters, The Klan, The NRA or the NHRA.
  18. You sit in The Hills using yer troll caller you bought frum Pietro to lure trolls.

Source: Lucian (108) -

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