LINKS UPDATE!: Added new link type, "Interviews & Discussions" plus many more new links!
-- 12/19/2011, Mayhem
Added "Interviews & Discussions" which includes a m59 interview with the PAX teamndad a discussion thread with old developer "Amathya". Also added new links: Gar's Meridian 59 Info Site in "Player Sites"; Bruce Halpern's "Atlantis" Server 107 page under "Old Sites - Preserved!"; Meridian 59's Wiki Page and the MMO Wiki Page to "Wiki"; and pages that refer to Meridian 59 at Unbound Gamer and Bitmob to "Promotional Material".
Links: Horwin's M59 GERMAN information site added!
-- 11/28/2011, Mayhem
German M59 Info. Site: added
Added FAQ Section: Guides!!!
-- 6/2/2011, Mayhem
Added all player and Gilroy's Reference Site created game-play guides to this new section.
FAQ Added: Factions - Soldier Shields: What bonuses do they give?
-- 5/30/2011, Mayhem
Added new FAQ - Factions: Soldier Shields: What bonuses do they give? Detailed FAQ about Soldier Shields - how to get them, maintain them, and their bonuses.
Links: + Added Meridian 59 Japanese Guidebook!
-- 5/22/2011, Mayhem
Added an old site, the "Meridian 59 Japanese Guidebook"! It can be found here [ ] or in the LINKS section. Special thanks to "Crow" for the notice!
FAQS ADDED: A Newbie Guide, Build-A-Mule, and How To: Make Shillings/Build!
-- 3/11/2011, Mayhem
Added three player-written guides to the FAQ. All can be found in FAQ>Building A Character. Also gave Hall Defense its own FAQ listing in TIPS (taken from the Guild Hall overview FAQ).
NEWS: Added NEWS on Meridian 59 Level Calculator/Tool...
-- 3/6/2011, Mayhem
Added news and download information for a new Meridian 59 Level Calculator and growing all-purpose tool created by Guru Nanak (101)!!!
Links: Ventrilo Server for Meridian 59 players added to Links.
-- 3/6/2011, Mayhem
A new, free public Ventrilo server has been created by Sin (101). This server holds up to 50 players at a time and is meant to be used as a communication/chat room for random users to run alongside Meridian 59. Server and Login info is detailed on its Links and News page [K-Brothers Era] - Check it out!
Forum: NEW forum added! Spellcraft, Weaponcraft, and Stamania!!!
-- 2/25/2011, Mayhem
In depth discussions about stats, spells, and weaponcraft mechanics - created by Hitman! :
Spells: Added "Building Tips" and "Advanced Building Tips" to Mana Bomb
-- 2/25/2011, Mayhem
Begun added some solid information on how to work specific spells (and eventually skills), starting with Mana Bomb...if you have additional tips please create a thread here:
Links: ADDED Meridian 59 Statistics - Khan's Off-Line Who List and Player Info Database!
-- 2/25/2011, Mayhem
In case you haven't noticed - there is now a way to see who is online and how often everyone plays without being online yourself! Khan's website provides detailed graphs and statistics - updated in real-time! Go see for yourself!
Downloads: Music: Added Meridian 59 Original CD soundtrack!!!
-- 2/23/2011, Mayhem
Added to Downloads! 13 MP3 Tracks @ 256 kbps available in a ZIP for your listening pleasure. Also available individually at - thanks Zaphod!
Humor: Added Merinsomnia - [mur-in-som-nee-uh] - noun ...a definition.
-- 2/23/2011, Mayhem
Originally written by "GoldDrive" for Urban it for a smile. ;>]
Creatures: Significant updates to EVIL creatures and XEO'CHICATL!
-- 2/23/2011, Mayhem
Added locations for all evil creatures plus special tips, weaknesses; added info. to Thrashers and updated Xeo'Chicatl!
FAQ: Magical Items Updated
-- 2/22/2011, Mayhem
Added item/magical description to the list - "The craftsmanship of this "item name" is admirable, obviously the result of hundreds of hours of work by expert hands." Thanks SazTam!
Creatures: Added locations and notes to many Evil Creatures...
-- 2/18/2011, Mayhem
Added locations, special attacks, and other notes for Battered Skeleton, Black Spider, Cave Orc, Orc Wizard, Daemon Skeleton, Dark Angel, Dusk Rat, Fey Dirhai...more coming soon.
Items: Updated Shrunken Head, Sweat, and Silver Room Key, Added Copy Room Key info.
-- 2/18/2011, Mayhem
Updated Shrunken Head, Sweat of Warrior King, Silver Room Key, and added information on how to Copy Room Key to the Silver Room Key item page.
Spells: Added "Spell Power" + Updates to Kran, Riija, Karahol's Curse
-- 2/17/2011, Mayhem
Added a Spell Power field that details what increased spell power and % does for a spell. Begun with Kraanan. Also updated Spell Information, Damage and other hints on tips for Kraanan 1-3, Eagle Eyes, Killing Fields, small Riija spell edits as well as Qor 2: Karahol's Curse.
FAQ Added: Where is the Riija Temple? + Updated: Sword of Riija + Monk of Riija
-- 2/17/2011, Mayhem
Added FAQ>Building>Where is the Riija Temple?; added additional information to the Sword of Riija and Monk of Riija pages.
Spells: Adding Building Up Hot Spell: for suggested spells to focus while building!
-- 2/16/2011, Mayhem
As suggested by players, I've begun to add new category to all of the spell schools:
"Building Up Hot Spell:" for the top 3 spells to work to achieve the next level, based on the EASE, COST, and POWER (when maxed). Also adding "Building Tips". Riija is the first school...
NEWS: M59 In The News: Penny Arcade Expo - PAX EAST - Meridian 59 Needs You!
-- 2/16/2011, Mayhem
Please see Meridian 59 In The News>Penny Arcade Expo - PAX EAST - Meridian 59 Needs You! And Khan's thread -
FAQ Added: "How To:Evasives"Block, Dodge, and Parry improves
-- 2/11/2011, Mayhem
An informative guide by Sowy. Go to FAQ>Building a Character...enjoy!
FAQ Added: "The Lupogg Method" for Weaponcraft
-- 2/9/2011, Mayhem
Go to FAQ>Building a Character>Weaponcraft: Fast, Cheap and Easy - "The Lupogg Method".
Added News Types: Meridian 59 - In The News and Forum Spotlight!
-- 2/9/2011, Mayhem
Added two new categories to the NEWS, "Meridian 59 - In The News", to collect articles, interviews and other otuside coverage of M59 in the media, and "Forum Spotlight!" to showcase discussions and other threads on the Community Message Board.
Links: Meridian 59 on Facebook + Social Networks
-- 2/8/2011, Mayhem
NEW LINK TYPE has been added, "Social Networking", in LINKS. Introduced and linked to "Meridian 59"'s most popular Facebook page! Register now to contribute!!!
Reference Site: Creatures: Added info for the Infamous "Lupogg Trick"
-- 2/8/2011, Mayhem
Want to quickly get through weaponcraft, in realtive seclusion, without running around? Utilize the "Lupogg Trick"...go to Creatures>Lupogg.
Reference Site: Good/Neutral Creature Locations Added + Special Attacks/Notes
-- 2/8/2011, Mayhem
Locations for all Good and Neutral Creatures have been added to the Reference Site - also added Special Attacks and other information.
NEW FAQ: Walk Through of Marion Crypt Level 3! How to navigate and fight in the Thrasher's Dungeon
-- 2/7/2011, Mayhem
Fully detailed Walk Through for Marion Crypt, "The Affirmation of the Forsaken", what to bring and what to expect...go to FAQ>Building a Character>Walk Through>Marion Crypt Level 3!
NEW FAQ: Marion Crypt - Unlocking Level Three/Thrasher's Dungeon
-- 2/7/2011, Mayhem
FAQ Added detailing how to open the third and most dangerous level of the Marion Crypt, "The Affirmation of the Forsaken" to fight the Thrasher's...go to FAQ>Quests>Puzzle Solutions!
NEW FAQ: Marion Crypt Level 2, building from 40-75 HP and Living Statues
-- 2/7/2011, Mayhem
Highly detailed FAQ/Walk Through added for Marion Crypt Level 2, unlocking it and fighting the Living FAQ>Building a Character.
New Poll: Number of accounts and concurrent clients
-- 1/4/2011, Mayhem
How many accounts do you have...and how many clients do you have running at one time?
New Poll: Time Spent on Meridian 59
-- 12/10/2010, Mayhem
How much time do you spend on Meridian 59?
New Poll: Update Wishes
-- 12/10/2010, Mayhem
What do you want to see looked at most for the next update?
Update: Spells: (Added To Game) Shadow Rift, (Changed) Truce, Purify, Earthquake
-- 12/8/2010, Mayhem
Truce, Purify, Earthquake info updated from changes made by the K-Brothers in Summer 2010. Shadow Rift updated for its November, 2010 reintroduction.
Other reference items updated include Goad's Grinder Shrine, Rose/Mysticism Effect, True Lute and Bottle of lies.
Creature Update: Frogman
-- 12/8/2010, Mayhem
No one saw this one coming...the creature update from the black lagoon! He's big, he's angry, he bleeds, and he carries a metal stick (sometimes) - Frogman!
New Poll: Meridian 59 Holiday Season
-- 12/3/2010, Mayhem
Will you be spending more or less time on Meridian 59 this Fall-Winter 2010?
New Poll: October '10 Update Opinion Poll
-- 11/4/2010, Mayhem
Please submit your vote and let the developer's and community know where you stand! Read the Message Board for additional discussion on Faction Loss modification, Shadow Rift, and suggestions for future updates!
Weapons Update
-- 11/4/2010, Mayhem
Scrolls, Silver Arrows, Riija Sword, Nerudite Sword have been updated with current information.
FAQ's ADDED - Halos! Guild Wars, Enemies and Allies!
-- 11/3/2010, Mayhem
Go to FAQ>Guild Information. Two new FAQ pages detailing Guild Wars and Guild Alliances, and what it means when players say "Where R Teh Haloz?"!
Reference Site: Node Comments added or updated
-- 9/20/2010, Mayhem
Added comments to further explain getting to the nodes, other uses of the nodes if any (Underworld , Ukgoth) the geography of the map and notes on nearby creatures.
Server 105ers!
-- 9/9/2010, Hitman the Red
Awesome piece of Server 105 history preserved by Osiris/Dr. Scrote....enjoy!
Old Site Rediscovered.
-- 8/30/2010, Hitman the Red
Found an old site for M59, looks like it has been 10 years since it was last updated. Thank you, Zicon, whoever you are. Another little piece of history to enjoy for awhile longer.
Reference Site Updates
-- 8/27/2010, Mayhem
Updated special sales items for various NPC's in Tos, Marion, and Barloque. Added Diseased Tree to Riija Morph form listing under FAQ>Spells/Skills.
FAQ ADDED: Guild Halls - Overview: How do I get one and what do they do?
-- 8/9/2010, Mayhem
All about guild halls!
New FAQ, Stealing Halls, coming soon!
-- 7/20/2010, Hitman the Red
Info updated on Jala spell: Distill, thanks to Porthanos!
New poll up and Link Section Updated
-- 7/7/2010, Hitman the Red
Added Gar's Domain, player site containing various M59 related files. Also, new poll up about the new "guides".
Reference Site - New Information/Updated Comments: Global
-- 6/30/2010, Mayhem
Updated comments and information on various monsters, NPC's, and spells.
Please feel free to submit further notes in the "What Needs Updating At Gilroy's Thread?" - Gilroy's Message Boards > Meridian 59 > In Game Issues.
added: a new Webmaster!
-- 6/28/2010, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team... Mayhem!
FAQ added
-- 6/8/2010, Gilroy
How do I create/reactivate my Meridian 59 game account?
Site updates continue...
-- 5/19/2010, Hitman the Red
Small changes to information concerning Riija spells, the Guild Info FAQ nears completion and the Faction FAQ makes some headway...
Guild FAQ in the works and more...
-- 5/1/2010, Hitman the Red
Putting together a Guild FAQ as well as a Faction FAQ.
New Poll Up!
-- 4/19/2010, Hitman the Red
Truce/Purify/Earthquake impact on game poll.
It's the little things...
-- 4/19/2010, Hitman the Red
Updating small informational items across site, cleaning up some item descriptions, correcting typos and sweeping the corners...just a little spring cleaning!
-- 9/18/2008, Gilean
Updated some weapons themselves, to show the stat it is based on...(Hopefully, 'effectiveness against armor type' and range coming soon)
-- 9/4/2008, Gilean
Updated info on how to get a Prism!
updated: Reagents
-- 4/22/2008, Gilroy
Updated the reagents area. Added links to spell relationships. Thanks Manowar for the suggestion.
Myth Polls
-- 3/22/2008, Gilean
Added a new "Debunk the Meridian Myth" Poll
added: a new Webmaster!
-- 3/22/2008, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team... Hitman the Red!
added: Downloads - M59 MP3s
-- 11/12/2007, Gilroy
Original soundtrack of MP3s from M59 -- Thanks PC
Minor Updates!
-- 7/6/2006, Studio Ghibli
Updated the description of schools, spells, and faqs, all to be more accurate.
More Minor Updates.
-- 12/30/2005, Studio Ghibli
Did some tweaking of the site per the "What Needs Updating?" thread.
Don't forget to vote!
-- 12/19/2005, Gilroy
Added a new poll "All who are not here, please raise your hand!" a couple days ago.
Minor Changes. Wee.
-- 11/9/2005, Studio Ghibli
Updated 'Chalice' information. Included a FAQ on how to get the Jala necklace.
updated: Links
-- 10/12/2005, Gilroy
Added link to new site - Meridian Force59
Minor Changes.
-- 10/11/2005, Studio Ghibli
Made small changes to spell descriptions. Thanks to Imperial for not only noticing the errors, but also for having the patience in dealing with me at nine in the morning.
added: new poll
-- 7/26/2005, Arkblade
Added new poll about account pricing.
updated: FAQs
-- 11/29/2004, Gilroy
Thrasher/MC3 FAQ Posted - A new FAQ detailing how to enter the third level of the Marion Crypt, and what to do once you get there ~ WhatIsItGoodFor
updated: Downloads -
-- 11/6/2004, Gilroy
Complete mapfile now. LVL 3 of crypt and
everything. Thanks Bink (101)
added: rented room keys poll
-- 11/5/2004, Arkblade
added: rented room storage poll
-- 11/5/2004, Arkblade
Morph List Updated!
-- 11/4/2004, Studio Ghibli
Finally updated the morph word list. Included the THRASHER morph word. Thanks to Gez for supplying!--and also for not wanting to charge 50k!
added: Halloween poll
-- 10/28/2004, Arkblade
cast your vote for what type of costume you would wear during this halloween season.
Creature Update!
-- 10/15/2004, Studio Ghibli
Added information for the NDS bard-controlled creatures. Also redid some regular creature pictures. They were bad.
Another Minor Update!
-- 10/14/2004, Studio Ghibli
Punch/Brawl changed to reflect how they actually work. Thanks to Taki (203) and BigForest (102) for helping with this. Added pictures of bard-controlled creatures. Thanks to Lord Azrael (101) for this. Edited morph information.
Minor Updates!
-- 10/13/2004, Studio Ghibli
Updated a number of minor details in the reference, such as reagent cost for certain spells. Also added a pure mage build to the build section.
-- 10/2/2004, Studio Ghibli
Updated mushroom graphics to reflect their latest incarnation. Made minor changes to spell information. Thanks to Lord Azrael, Case, and Rapture's Dawn for providing both mushrooms and smiles.
Jala Finished
-- 9/30/2004, WhatIsItGoodFor
Finished going through the Jala Reference and checking the entries. All Jala spells should be complete and correct.
Spells Updated!
-- 9/26/2004, Studio Ghibli
Updated a number of spells to reflect the latest updates, as well as previous updates. That's wild.
Added Crystalize Mana to Reference
-- 9/24/2004, WhatIsItGoodFor
Added Crystalize Mana information to the Jala Reference, also added Mana Crystal to the edibles section.
added: more Webmasters!
-- 9/21/2004, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest additions to the m59ref admin team... Studio Ghibli, WhatIsItGoodFor, and Yaxamie!
updated: Links section
-- 9/8/2004, Gilroy
Added Imperial's Meridian 59 Fan Site
updated: Downloads section
-- 9/5/2004, Gilroy
Added updated to reflect new graphics engine changes. Thanks Bink.
added: Player Stats
-- 3/14/2004, FattyMoo
Thanks to Metro/Decan Frost!
added: Intell - Alternate M59 Level Calculator
-- 3/8/2004, Hawkeye
Thanks to Ford Perfect!
updated: Meridian59 Level Calculator
-- 3/8/2004, Hawkeye
GimpyElf has updated his program to reflect the current M59 environment.
updated: Bond 6th level Shal'ille
-- 1/16/2004, Arkblade
Several reports came in that you do not need one specific heartstone for this spell, after investigating and testing, it's true. Any heartstone will work for bonding an item.
updated: FAQ renting rooms
-- 1/8/2004, Arkblade
Added updated information concerning room renting and object placing.
added: new FAQ about 3 schoolers
-- 1/3/2004, Arkblade
Added a new FAQ to the "Building your character" section that deals with step by step details on building a standard 3 schooler.
added to Gallery
-- 1/3/2004, Gilean
Added some new year resolutions that i was told about. ;)
updated: Faren: Spore Burst
-- 12/21/2003, Gilroy
Changed to reflect correct reagent requirements. Thanks, The Magician (101), for the information.
updated: Weaponcraft skills
-- 11/20/2003, Arkblade
Updated comments on Disarm and Hammer Wielding.
updated: Qor spells
-- 11/20/2003, Arkblade
Updated comments on Acid Touch, Vampiric Drain, and Splash of Acid.
added: M59 Flyer to downloads section
-- 11/8/2003, Arkblade
Sent in by FangThane and Akkasri, download this zipped pdf file and print out a bunch of copies to hand out and advertise the game!
added: Masks section in Misc. Items area
-- 11/3/2003, Gilroy
Uploaded images of the 5 new masks.
updated: Riija Illusionary Wounds
-- 11/3/2003, Gilroy
Changed reagent requirements. Thanks Eggplant Wizard (101)
updated: FAQ/Player stats
-- 10/31/2003, Arkblade
Updated information in the FAQ section and added a new class in the Player stats section. Added a build made popular by hAZE on 101! Thanks hAZE!
fix FAQ
-- 10/17/2003, Gilean
added the word Etc. to the herald shield quest FAQ. (makes it less confusing) Thanx Wensleydale for bringing this to our attention!
Added content
-- 10/14/2003, Gilean
Added a little more funnies to the MADman article. Also edited it to delete sleep deprived induced mistakes.
Added Product reviews
-- 10/13/2003, Gilean
Added a MADman's view of online products to the Gallery
added: new poll
-- 9/9/2003, Arkblade
Added a poll about keeping the Tos graveyard open 24 hours around the clock.
added: new polls
-- 9/6/2003, Arkblade
Added a few new polls, please cast your vote.
Added a mini story
-- 8/21/2003, Gilean
Added a mini short story to the Gallery. Admins, feel free to continue it in part 2, or i will.
Gilean Gallery
-- 8/2/2003, Gilean
Added a new edition to Gilean Gallery.
added: player stats
-- 7/16/2003, Arkblade
Thanks Garfield for the addition.
Changed Karma:
-- 7/12/2003, FattyMoo
Changed Spectral Mummy karma from 30 to 35. Thanks The Magician (101)!
added: poll
-- 7/10/2003, Arkblade
Added poll about a PvP server option with god built characters.
updated: Curse Weapon
-- 7/10/2003, Arkblade
Added some information on how to purchase this spell.
updated: weaponcraft skills
-- 7/9/2003, Arkblade
Put in current information for weaponcraft skills. There are a few icons missing from the skill descriptions, we will have to look into fixing that.
-- 6/27/2003, Gilean
Added a poll about the new patch and about rescue.
Added: Weapon
-- 6/26/2003, FattyMoo
Nerudite Bow. Thanks Ubermensch(101)!
Added: Weapons
-- 6/22/2003, FattyMoo
Added new bows
Updated: Rescue
-- 6/22/2003, FattyMoo
Added info for rescue.
Added: Food
-- 6/22/2003, FattyMoo
Turkey Leg
Added: FAQ
-- 6/22/2003, FattyMoo
Added Territory book to History and Lore
Updated: AMA
-- 6/22/2003, FattyMoo
Added other reagents.
Added: Spells
-- 6/22/2003, FattyMoo
Melancholy and Mirth, need vigor/mana reqs
Added: Monster
-- 6/22/2003, FattyMoo
Dusk Rat - Incomplete, send info if you have it to
-- 6/18/2003, Gilean
Added some more info re getting the blind spell. Thanx Conium Darkblade!
Added a Great mana chart
-- 6/17/2003, Gilean
Added a kewl mana/myst chart. Thanx ManowaR!!
added a poll
-- 6/10/2003, Gilean
added a room chest poll
-- 6/5/2003, FattyMoo
Added Angels of Darkness to Histroy & Lore.
Added News articles under Gilean Gallery
-- 5/27/2003, Gilean
Added a new news article under Gilean Gallery
-- 5/20/2003, Gilean
added some info to the "About Character Statistics" FAQ.
Added polls
-- 5/17/2003, Gilean
Added 2 polls re message boards
updated: create food
-- 4/11/2003, Arkblade
Thanks AllenKll!
updated: FAQ section
-- 4/9/2003, Arkblade
Added new area called "Schools of Magic". I will be working on them when time permits.
updated: FAQ section
-- 4/8/2003, Arkblade
added Advanced Building FAQ
Interview with PC
-- 4/8/2003, Gilean
added an interview with PC to Gilean Gallery
added: new poll
-- 4/7/2003, Arkblade
New poll added about Weaponcraft.
Poll and Gilean Gallery
-- 3/27/2003, Gilean
Added an OOG poll and an interview in the Gilean Gallery section.
added: another Webmaster!
-- 3/20/2003, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team... Misha!
NDS Character Art Comparison
-- 3/18/2003, Gilean
Gilroy added a comparison of player art in the new NDS engine!
Gilean Gallery
-- 3/8/2003, Gilean
Added a new news article brought to you by MeridianCorp
updated: Photo Gallery
-- 3/8/2003, Gilroy
Added a new Sacred Haven (200) gallery.
Updated FAQ
-- 3/7/2003, Gilean
Added what Riija sword pieces comes from which npc quest. Thax Aurora!
updated: FAQ
-- 2/28/2003, Gilroy
Added a comment to the "Lair of the Orc Boss: How do I open it?" FAQ. Thanks Norin (102).
added: player stats
-- 2/20/2003, Arkblade
Added relevant information to an old choice of statistics for a "pure" warrior.
updated: FAQ Building your character
-- 2/20/2003, Arkblade
Added a small guide on how to build a useful mule very quickly.
updated: Player Stats
-- 2/15/2003, Gilroy
added 4+ School Mage/Fighter stats by Yaxamie (102).
-- 2/14/2003, Gilean
Added a section to Gilean Gallery.
updated: Intro page
-- 2/13/2003, Gilroy
Added a "Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions" section. It will display the most viewed FAQs for quick access.
updated: Lupogg
-- 2/13/2003, Arkblade
The lupoggs were reported to have had a higher negative karma effect than what they actually do. We have confirmation that this previous information was wrong and have since corrected it.
updated: enchant weapon, resist poison, and haste
-- 2/10/2003, Arkblade
Thanks again to AllenKll (101) for the updated information.
added: poll
-- 2/10/2003, Arkblade
Added a poll about penalties (faction loss, colored penalties, and revenants).
updated: create food and discordance
-- 2/10/2003, Arkblade
Updated effects of both these spells. Information is current to the best of my knowledge.
added: quests to FAQ
-- 2/10/2003, Arkblade
Added general quest information.
updated: create weapon
-- 2/9/2003, Arkblade
Added up-to-date information sent to us from AllenKll (101).
added: poll
-- 2/6/2003, Arkblade
Please vote on this poll and tell us how you rate this site. Be honest.
updated: fire/archery and player killer FAQs
-- 2/6/2003, Arkblade
Added more up-to-date information to these FAQs as the information was a bit out dated.
added: building a mule
-- 2/6/2003, Arkblade
Added information concerning the building of a mule in the Building you character section of the FAQs.
Updated: Weapon
-- 2/2/2003, FattyMoo
Sword of Riija: Added the relevant shatter info, (that it will break up into 3 peices instead of disappearing now.)
Updated: Item
-- 2/2/2003, FattyMoo
Wedding ring: Oddly enough, everything from the description to the price was wrong. =P
Updated: Creature
-- 2/2/2003, FattyMoo
Living Statue: Still need more info.
Added: FAQ
-- 2/2/2003, FattyMoo
Soldier Shield FAQ. Plan to renovate the Faction FAQ to include the relevant information on the shields in the future... unless someone beats me to it. =)
Updated: FAQ
-- 2/2/2003, FattyMoo
Made an addendum to the 'How do I avoid losing %s and hps upon death?' FAQ.
news: server 101
-- 2/2/2003, Arkblade
Seemingly, 101 has been gaining more of a population count than in previous months.
updated: FAQ
-- 1/31/2003, Arkblade
Updated Revenant section. Added Building your character FAQ. Updated/edited Spells/Skills FAQ.
updated: FAQ
-- 1/30/2003, Arkblade
How can I make quick cash? AND How do I avoid losing %s and hps upon death?
added: new poll
-- 1/30/2003, Arkblade
Added a poll to get an idea on where people see NDS as a whole. Should be interesting.
updated: player statistics
-- 1/30/2003, Arkblade
I have updated most of the player submited character statistics. Removed most of the old recommendations which contained outdated information.
added a poll
-- 1/23/2003, Gilean
added Gallery post
-- 1/21/2003, Gilean
A sad sad day! and Meridian's new fad
Chess tournament
-- 1/14/2003, Gilean
Added info about chess tournament that is coming up.
updated: God Gifts
-- 1/9/2003, Gilroy
Changed descriptions to reflect new stat modifiers.
updated: FAQ / Morph
-- 1/7/2003, Gilroy
Added a new FAQ, "How do I choose the monster I want to morph into?", and linked to it from Riija Level 5 Morph.
WAR! And Recognition
-- 12/31/2002, Gilean
Added another news item under Gilean Gallery
updated: Downloads section
-- 12/29/2002, Gilroy
Updated file to include the new Marion crypt zone.
Gilean Gallery
-- 12/10/2002, Gilean
added "The Gallery", 4th edition
Gilean's Gallery
-- 11/28/2002, Gilean
Added info about the newest visitors to Meridian
updated: FAQ
-- 11/19/2002, Gilroy
Changed the "How many Spells/Schools can I learn with my current Intellect" FAQ to include a really cool "Skill Percentage to Next Level" chart. Thanks Melael Darkfury for sending in the chart.
Contest and Meridian Fine dining guide
-- 11/15/2002, Gilean
Added a Contest and Meridian Fine dining guide
added: another Webmaster!
-- 11/12/2002, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team... Gilean!
Added: More Links
-- 11/10/2002, FattyMoo
Erm.. added more links. =)
Added: Links
-- 11/9/2002, FattyMoo
Added links.
Updated: Wall spell descriptions
-- 10/20/2002, FattyMoo
Fixed the ones not done.
updated: Poison fog & Blood Inheritance
-- 10/16/2002, Gilroy
Changed the description of Poison Fog. Changed the NPC who offers Blood Inheritance. Thanks Karnak (102) for the information.
Updated: Jala necklace
-- 10/14/2002, FattyMoo
Added weight. Thanks Hollywood Shono(102)!
Updated: Tepal Faq
-- 10/14/2002, FattyMoo
Added more clothing colors.
Fiddled: Riija
-- 10/11/2002, FattyMoo
Double checking the properties. Some of the spells are missing things, I.E. requires focused concentration and the such.
Updated/Added/Fixed/Organized: FAQs
-- 10/11/2002, FattyMoo
Too much stuff to list. Check it out.
Updated: Gift
-- 10/10/2002, FattyMoo
Updated the comments to include the fact that unvaultable items are no longer able to be wrapped.
Updated: Elusion
-- 10/10/2002, FattyMoo
Said you couldn't port to the isle. Fixed and added some pointers.
Updated: Dement
-- 10/10/2002, FattyMoo
Price was wrong. =P
updated: FAQ
-- 10/10/2002, Gilroy
Modified the "How do I read the Barloque Water Clock?" FAQ. Previous version was incorrect. Thanks Psychochild for the great feedback.
Updated: NPC
-- 10/9/2002, FattyMoo
Added a comment about the multiple temples for Priestess Zuxana.
Updated: Splash of Acid
-- 10/9/2002, FattyMoo
Updated comments. Thanks Zodiac. =)
updated: FAQ
-- 10/9/2002, Gilroy
Added the "How do I read the Barloque Water Clock?" FAQ. Thanks Psychochild for helping us understand!
Updated: Weapon Mod faq.
-- 10/8/2002, FattyMoo
Added guild hall defender weapons. For some reason Gilroy forgot them. =)
Fixed: Jala, Distill
-- 10/3/2002, FattyMoo
Fixed the Comments, Thanks Artey. =)
Updated: Chalice of the Rain
-- 10/3/2002, FattyMoo
Added the cool new features. =) Thanks to SevenOwl(102) for figuring this out and telling me first. =)
updated: Photo Gallery link
-- 10/3/2002, Gilroy
Activated the "Age Of" indicator that sits next to the Photo Gallery link in the navigation bar. It will now indicate when new photos have been uploaded and approved in the gallery.
updated: Navigation Bar
-- 10/3/2002, Gilroy
Added help text for the menu links to better describe the contents. Notice the text in the status bar as well as ballon text during hover over.
updated: Karma Quick List
-- 10/2/2002, Gilroy
Updating karma values for various creatures in accordance to player feedback in The Karma Thread on the Message Board.
updated: Firewall
-- 10/1/2002, -n8-
Changed description of spell in accordance to patch on 9/29/02.
updated: God Gifts
-- 10/1/2002, Gilroy
Removed rumored comments regarding bonus to schools. Thanks SazTam, Hollywood and Psychochild for clearing the record.
updated: Kraanan - Free Action
-- 10/1/2002, Gilroy
Changed the Version Release information. Thanks, Avantus, for bringing this to our attention.. and Thanks, m59admin team and others, for helping recall the version.
Updated: Distill Faq
-- 9/27/2002, FattyMoo
Added Rescue
Updated: Avar Village node.
-- 9/27/2002, FattyMoo
Finished info, THANKS Kree(101) for all your HARD work!!
Added: Node
-- 9/27/2002, FattyMoo
Added Avar Village node. Only half, still need positive info.
updated: FAQ / Factions
-- 9/26/2002, Gilroy
I finally converted the last remaining hard-coded HTML page, tokens.html, to the FAQs area. Changed the link to Factions in the navigation bar to the new FAQ.
updated: Creatures - Yeti
-- 9/25/2002, Gilroy
changed the HP Limit of the Yeti. Thanks, Chronepsis (101), for the information.
Updated: MSH description
-- 9/23/2002, FattyMoo
Added: Misc Item
-- 9/16/2002, FattyMoo
Silver Room key and Iron Key. True Lute.
Updated: Cheese
-- 9/16/2002, FattyMoo
Added weight per player request.
Updated: Robes of the Disciple
-- 9/16/2002, FattyMoo
Fixed Description
Updated: Gift
-- 9/16/2002, FattyMoo
Added some things.
Updated: Free Action
-- 9/16/2002, FattyMoo
Changed mana cost from 10 to 8. Thanks Darkl(101)!
updated: Photo Gallery
-- 9/14/2002, Gilroy
added Age Of indicator to photos, with legend.
added: Cool Link
-- 9/12/2002, Gilroy
Added a link to the NEW Official Italian Meridian 59 server!
updated: Creatures - Skeleton
-- 9/12/2002, FattyMoo
Fixed karma for Skeleton. It said 60, was actually 70. Thanks Zoloz
added: Photo Gallery
-- 9/12/2002, Gilroy
Added a new feature to the site... Photo Gallery! Look in the navigation bar for the link. Also, since this is a new feature, please report any bugs you may find. Thank you.
updated: Main Page
-- 9/11/2002, Gilroy
Change the navigation bar. Removed Re-Launch FAQ link (can still be found under FAQs) and added Signup TODAY and NDS FAQ link.
updated: Player Stats
-- 9/7/2002, Gilroy
added new "Assassin" player stats submitted by Akardius.
updated: Intro page (THIS one)
-- 9/6/2002, Gilroy
Added a site age counter under the banner.
Updated: Jewel of Froz
-- 9/5/2002, FattyMoo
Got some stuff that Gilroy missed. =)
updated: FAQ
-- 9/5/2002, Gilroy
Updated the "Magical Weapon Descriptions" FAQ. Verified with PsychoChild the spells cast by the "Mystical energy" weapon.
updated: Items - Jewel of Froz
-- 9/5/2002, Gilroy
Changed the comments.
Updated: Foresight
-- 8/31/2002, FattyMoo
Fixed mana cost, thanks Zeki!
updated: Item - Book
-- 8/26/2002, Gilroy
Updated the player comments regarding the book. Thanks, Honey (101), for the great information!
updated: FAQ
-- 8/26/2002, Gilroy
Updated the "Any tricks in improving spell percentages?" FAQ. Thanks, Honey (101), for the great information!
added: FAQ
-- 8/26/2002, Gilroy
Added "How do I have an item Gift Wrapped?" FAQ and linked to from Rycksher. Thanks, Honey (101), for the great information!
Added: Misc stuff
-- 8/17/2002, FattyMoo
Erm, ya. =)
Updated: Guildhall comments
-- 8/16/2002, FattyMoo
Just added some of my knowledge.
updated: FAQ
-- 8/16/2002, Gilroy
Updated the formatting and added more descriptions to the "What are the meanings for the Magical Weapon Descriptions" FAQ.
Added: Distill FAQ
-- 8/14/2002, FattyMoo
Added a distill faq and a link from the spell distill.
Updated: Bunch of "best weapon"
-- 8/14/2002, FattyMoo
Added the best weapon's for a bunch of monsters.
added: Poll
-- 8/14/2002, Gilroy
Player source of origin.
updated: Shal'ille Final Rites
-- 8/13/2002, Gilroy
Known bug. Thanks Help!
Updated: Faren Lightning Bolt
-- 8/12/2002, FattyMoo
Modified required reagent cost. Thanks Indica.
Updated: Heartstone comments
-- 8/8/2002, FattyMoo
Just mentioned how you can use them for rooms.
Updated: Jala necklace comments
-- 8/8/2002, FattyMoo
Thanks Hollywood
Added: New Poll
-- 8/1/2002, -n8-
C'mon, you DO talk about m59 in RL, even if it's only to how does Jasper sound in YOUR head?
Added: Download
-- 8/1/2002, FattyMoo
Added the Send Group Manager to the downloads page.
Updated: Goad shrine FAQ
-- 8/1/2002, FattyMoo
Just mentioned that it's disabled ATM and added commands.
Updated: Jala necklace comments
-- 8/1/2002, FattyMoo
Just fixed the comments.
updated: Jala Profane Resonance
-- 8/1/2002, Gilroy
Changed the required reagents. Thanks Rokenbok!
Finished: Room FAQ
-- 7/31/2002, FattyMoo
I hope. =) I think I got everything, check it out.
Updated: Room FAQ
-- 7/30/2002, FattyMoo
Added a lot more information, but still not done. Explains what you can do with each of the heartstones. Still need pricing info if someone has a gmail.
Added: Link to Meridian 59 Sneak Peek
-- 7/27/2002, FattyMoo
Added a link to Bloodletter's site, full of pictures of server 101 players. Check it out!
Updated: Creature Image
-- 7/27/2002, FattyMoo
Added a picture for Madame Yaga.
added: another Webmaster!
-- 7/26/2002, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team... FattyMoo!
added: FAQ
-- 7/24/2002, Gilroy
Added a really cool "So you want to be justicar?" FAQ. Thanks FattyMoo!!
added: FAQ
-- 7/23/2002, Gilroy
Added a quick FAQ about Rented Rooms. This FAQ is not complete yet, but it's a starting point. Thanks Laramus.
Updated: Blood Inheritance
-- 7/22/2002, -n8-
Changed Blood Inheritance from sixth level to fifth. Thanks, HyperHippo!
updated: Shal'ille Resist Acid
-- 7/19/2002, Gilroy
Changed the reagent requirements. Thanks Maelstrom!
added: Player Stats
-- 7/16/2002, Gilroy
New Pure Mage stats by Lotus (102). He calls it the NDS Moneymaker.
updated: Qor Animate
-- 7/16/2002, Gilroy
added tips to improve by FattyMoo
added: Player Stats
-- 7/15/2002, Gilroy
New Fighter/Mage by Avatar/Playboy (101)
updated: Creatures
-- 7/15/2002, Gilroy
Changed max HP for Avar Shamans and Narthyl Worms. Thanks Cereb X (102)!
updated: Kraanan Mend
-- 7/15/2002, Gilroy
Added a mending improve tactic. Thanks Cereb X (102)!
updated: Creatures
-- 6/25/2002, Gilroy
Updated the Karma limit of DragonFlys. Thanks Hound of the Sea (101).
updated: Creatures & Tokens
-- 6/25/2002, Gilroy
Updated the HP limit of DragonFlys and Esseldi token requirement. Thanks Jeffrey (102).
updated: Reagents
-- 6/14/2002, Gilroy
Added new reagent offerings to Island NPCs (Wulfgang, Zala ix'Mecya and Tepal ix'Zonak). Thanks FattyMoo for doing the ground work.
updated: Riija Feign Death
-- 6/13/2002, Gilroy
Added an additional comment - special thanks to Cosmo Zok
updated: FAQ
-- 6/12/2002, Gilroy
Updated the Lair of the Orc Boss FAQ. Better describes what it's all about.
updated: FAQ
-- 6/9/2002, Gilroy
Added the Qor - Fade Pupil Quest.
updated: FAQ
-- 6/9/2002, Gilroy
Added a new section to FAQs called "QUESTS - DISCIPLE / PUPIL (SPOILER)". Also moved the Scimitar pupil quest there, and added the Qor disciple quest.
updated: FAQ
-- 6/6/2002, Gilroy
Updated the Riija Sword Quests FAQ to have hyperlinks to relevant areas of the knowledge base.
updated: Misc Items
-- 6/6/2002, Gilroy
added/updated a lot of items in this section.
updated: Misc Items
-- 6/5/2002, Gilroy
Added Shrine Dedicator section. Items include Sweat of the Warrior King, Blood of the Innocent, Tears of the Newborn, Burning Water, Bottle of Lies and Vial of Perfume. Need descriptions please!!
updated: Reagents
-- 6/3/2002, Gilroy
Added reagent <-> NPC cross reference data for island. Thanks QuicksilveR for the great research! UDaMan!
updated: Reagents
-- 6/3/2002, Gilroy
Added cross-reference to NPCs. Shows who sells what, and for how much. I'm still in the process of updating the data, so if you see anything I need to know... please email me.
updated: Weaponcraft skills
-- 5/26/2002, Gilroy
Updated the softcap information for skills based on thread by Arkblade in the forums. Thanks!
updated: Portal of Life description
-- 5/25/2002, Gilroy
Great comments from QuicksilveR!!! Now we know!
updated: Forums
-- 5/25/2002, Gilroy
Added the old "reference site updated" blinking icon to the new forums (per request by Hampton)
added: new poll about gifts from gods
-- 5/24/2002, Arkblade
added: new poll about PvP combat
-- 5/17/2002, Arkblade
Vote on what you would like to see changed in the PvP combat system.
added: new poll about future updates
-- 5/10/2002, Arkblade
Cast you vote on what you would like to see in future updates to Meridian 59.
updated: Holy Symbol info
-- 5/5/2002, -n8-
changed price of spell from 2K to 500 shillings and also correctly indicated that it requires focused concentration to cast.
added: new poll about revenants
-- 5/3/2002, Arkblade
cast your vote to see the general opinion of revenants being removed from the game or staying for the duration.
added: another Webmaster!
-- 5/3/2002, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the return of a previous administrator to the m59ref admin team... Arkblade!
updated: Karma Quick List
-- 4/15/2002, Gilroy
Changed the formatting of the Karma field in database from text to numeric. This allows for sorting in the chart. Changed the chart to reflect creature alignment as well as karma limit. Please give feedback if you see a karma limit/alignment that is inaccurate.
updated: Holy Resolve
-- 4/14/2002, -n8-
Changed to reflect Bone Priestess as the seller instead of Priestess Xiana, as was previously listed.
updated: Downloads section
-- 4/3/2002, Gilroy
Added Brax Utility.
updated: Downloads section
-- 4/2/2002, Gilroy
Added M59 Tool V2.05 by Mario Cron. Check it out.. It's very cool!
updated: Map section
-- 4/2/2002, Gilroy
Created a new map of the Queen Spiders Nest. You can find it in the maps section, and also linked to from the Queen Spider herself.
updated: FAQs section
-- 4/2/2002, Gilroy
Added "How do I get the Scimitar Wielding skill?" quest to FAQs. Linked from Quintor and Skill.
added: a Poll and my opnion of Sindar
-- 4/1/2002, Server KOS
I also got a full scholarship to Spring Hill College! Go Badgers... whatever a Badger is...
updated : definitions
-- 3/29/2002, Aloquent
Updated Shal'ille and Qor spell definitions.
updated: Toughers Quick List
-- 3/28/2002, Gilroy
Loredon submitted some tougher chart modifications. They have been updated accordingly. If you see anything that needs to be changed, and you are sure of the limits, please submit them to me.
updated: file
-- 3/27/2002, Hawkeye
Updated it for the Meridian59 Resurrection update. Special thanks to Dr. X!
added: New Quick List Feature
-- 3/25/2002, Gilroy
You will now notice a new feature on the navigation bar... the Quick Lists. This is a work in progress, so please be patient. Feedback is welcome!
updated: FAQ
-- 3/25/2002, Gilroy
Added Queen Venya'cyr, Amulet of Three, and the Necromancers Guild FAQ. Linked to it from Queen Venya'cyr, and Amulet of Three
updated: knowledge base
-- 3/18/2002, Gilroy
Changed a few spell reagent requiremtents, and who sells the spell. Added faction bonus descriptions to the faction leader details. Confirming a few more things.. will change later today.
Added new poll
-- 3/14/2002, Aloquent
Added a new poll asking which school will you start with.
updated: Player Stats
-- 3/7/2002, Gilroy
Added Fighter/Mage stats by Spire/Lestat (105)
updated: Riija
-- 3/5/2002, Darx : PCP
Minor tweakage of reagents here and there.
updated: Golden Artist Competition
-- 3/5/2002, Darx : PCP
New item submited and added into the Competition. You can view it under "Fiction" items.
added: Poll
-- 3/5/2002, Server KOS
added the Account poll and got a new computer =)
Updated: FAQs
-- 3/5/2002, Sindar
Updated various tidbits in several FAQs to match changes made in the Ressurection update.
Updated: Creatures
-- 3/5/2002, Sindar
To reflect changes to Skeleton's and Lupogg's resists.
updated: FAQ
-- 3/4/2002, Gilroy
Changed the Intellect Chart to reflect the new school progression capabilities.
updated: Creatures Section
-- 3/2/2002, Darx : PCP
Section has been updated to reflect NDS's changes. Also Spectral Mummies now have a picture.
updated: Jala spell school
-- 3/2/2002, Darx : PCP
Spells now at appropriate levels, descriptions updated, etc.
updated: Armor and Sheilds Sections
-- 3/2/2002, Darx : PCP
They have been updated to reflect NDS's changes.
updated: Edibles Section
-- 3/2/2002, Darx : PCP
Added a "Special" section and "The infamous BETA POTION!". Copper Pekonch Mugs, Fortune Cookies, Slices of Pork, Wheels of Cheese, Chocolate Mints and Bunches of Grapes now have pictures.
updated: Weaponcraft skill school
-- 3/1/2002, Hawkeye
Skills now at appropriate levels, descriptions updated, etc.
updated: Faren spell school
-- 3/1/2002, Hawkeye
Spells now at appropriate levels, descriptions updated, etc.
updated: Shal'ille spell school
-- 3/1/2002, Hawkeye
Spells now at appropriate levels, descriptions updated, etc.
updated: Qor spell school
-- 3/1/2002, -n8-
Spells now at appropriate levels, descriptions updated, etc.
updated: FAQs
-- 3/1/2002, Zax'cha Atz'ya
FAQs have been updated to reflect NDS's changes. Exception of the INT chart which is being checked out.
updated: Riija spell school
-- 3/1/2002, Naughty
Spells now at appropriate levels, descriptions updated, etc.
updated: All Schools
-- 2/28/2002, Gilroy
Verified all spell and skill descriptions to make sure they are up to date with the new NDS re-launch.
updated: Kraanan spell school
-- 2/28/2002, Hawkeye
Spells now at appropriate levels, descriptions updated, etc.
updated: All Schools to reflect new reagent requirements
-- 2/28/2002, Gilroy
I have painstakingly gone thru the entire spell list and updated the reagent requirements.
updated: Humor Section
-- 2/27/2002, Darx : PCP
Added Psychochilds hillarious take on JRR Tolkien's "Fellowship of the Ring" with a meridian twist! Also added a happy little bio pic of my self.
updated: Relaunch Updates
-- 2/25/2002, Zax'cha Atz'ya
Added all the info from the recent newsletters (and a little bit more).
updated: Main Page
-- 2/25/2002, Gilroy
Created new banner graphic which reflects the new NDS release.
updated: Cool Links
-- 2/24/2002, Gilroy
Added link to the Durbatuluk guild.
added: another Webmaster!
-- 2/22/2002, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team... Naughty!
Deleted German information
-- 2/20/2002, Aloquent
Deleted German server information, provided that there is no longer a German server.
updated: Forums
-- 2/20/2002, Gilroy
Gilroy's gets new forums! They are online and awaiting membership. Have fun.
Added News
-- 2/19/2002, Aloquent
Added News thanking public for their participation in our polls and forums.
updated: Downloads section
-- 2/17/2002, Gilroy
Rand has released a new version of Gatherer. He's made changes so it works with NDS's version, and added new features, plus made the others work better. Get the new version... and visit his website!
PCPs Rantings
-- 2/13/2002, Darx : PCP
Added a new poll about hiring new guides and bards. Reworked a few qor spells (Regs and comments ect.) Added the Necklace of Jala. Its 12:44am and Ive been playing for 28 hours stright so I will finish off the "Relaunch Updates?" in the morning.
Added Poll on 2/13
-- 2/13/2002, Aloquent
Added a poll regarding if you think NDS is going in the right direction.
added: more Webmasters!
-- 2/12/2002, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest additions to the m59ref admin team... Darx : PCP and Aloquent!
updated: m59Ref
-- 2/11/2002, AmBrOsIuS
Changed the whole database to be compliant with NDS-Beta
added: Sunco's Meridian 59 Companion
-- 2/10/2002, AmBrOsIuS
Added to downloads section! Check it out its cool!
-- 2/10/2002, AmBrOsIuS
Added all the NDS Jala spells and descriptions; I haven't had a chance to finish with the spell icons, but i've got a screencapture of them all, so ill finish tomorrow.
Relanch Updates FAQ Updated
-- 2/2/2002, AmBrOsIuS
The m59 Relaunch updates FAQ has been updated so that it is accurate with the most recent NDS Newsletter.
added: more DM spells
-- 1/28/2002, King Elessar
Nothing new, but I added a whack of DM spells we previously didn't have on. Also changed the pictures for smite, armageddon, damn, deliverance, page, assess, kick, thrust. The latter six weren't even supposed to have pictures in the first place.
updated: FAQ... added: New Spells/Skills/Rings
-- 1/28/2002, Gilroy
Updated the Relaunch FAQ with links to the new Spells/Skills/Rings that were added for the relaunch. Added the new Spells/Skills/Rings to the reference site including pictures and descriptions, etc.
updated: FAQs
-- 1/26/2002, Gilroy
Added a new entry in the FAQs section, "What changes have been made to Meridian 59 by Near Death Studios?". Also made a quick link to this FAQ on the navigation bar. This document will continually change as Psychochild continues his Bug Bashing. Special thanks to Zax'cha, Sindar, -n8- and AmBrOsIuS for their work on this FAQ.
updated: cleaned up links.
-- 1/23/2002, Zax'cha Atz'ya
Got a little board so I removed the bad links from the links section.
added: New Polls
-- 1/20/2002, Server KOS
added a few polls and got accepted into college
added: another Webmaster!
-- 1/19/2002, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team... -n8-!
added: Poll
-- 1/15/2002, Server KOS
added a poll, now im going back to bed (flu is bad)
added: New Forum
-- 1/13/2002, Gilroy
Created The Waiting Room so people can meet up with old friends and people from old servers.
added: new poll
-- 1/11/2002, Server KOS
because i can =P
Added: New Link Type and two new links.
-- 12/22/2001, Sindar
Added a couple very nicely done informative sites to the links section, as well as a new link subsection for New M59 websites. With all that's going on it's not just old sites preserved out there anymore. =)
added: contest Poll and News
-- 12/22/2001, Server KOS
Yup yup
Updated: Player Stats and Added: New Link
-- 12/16/2001, Sindar
Added newly submitted words of wisdom on the 'ultimate' pure warrior stats. Also added and a link to a restored, very informative site about the Hunters/Necros was added to the Cool Links section.
Added: Contest
-- 12/14/2001, Server KOS
Added a contest.
Not officaly sponsered by NDS, but unofficaly sponsered by Gilroy's.
added: New polls
-- 12/14/2001, Server KOS
Addedtwo new polls 'cause I was bored.
updated: Downloads section
-- 12/14/2001, Gilroy
Our friend and pal, Aaron Randolph - Rand (103), author of Gatherer and QuickSpell gave me his updated contact information. You will find them associated with his utilties.
updated: Forum disclaimer
-- 12/7/2001, Gilroy
... to include Forum Rules.
added: News regarding Near Death Studios purchase of Meridian 59
-- 11/29/2001, Gilroy
Let the fun begin.... again!
added: Topic of Interest ...
-- 11/27/2001, Gilroy
Message on forum regarding Software Piracy and the Law... and a few polls.
added : New Poll
-- 11/22/2001, Server KOS
After gourging myself on turkey, I added a new poll.
added: Search functionality to the forums
-- 11/4/2001, Gilroy
Added a very limited search tool to the forums.
added: New emotion icons to the forums
-- 10/22/2001, Gilroy
Expanded the list of emotion icons that are available in the forums
updated: spells and skills section!
-- 10/19/2001, Sindar
Updated notes and added info on versions of the game. Some of it is based on very vague memories, so e-mail input if you see something wrong. =) Also added strategy notes in the guildhall section.
added: another Webmaster!
-- 10/18/2001, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Sindar!
added: new poll
-- 10/16/2001, Gilroy
Meridian 59 USA Server billing?
added: link to my cool light jerkin
-- 10/12/2001, Gilroy
There is now a link on the main page, just under the banner, that will showcase the really cool light jerkin given to me by Q. Check it out!!
Added : new poll
-- 9/8/2001, Server KOS
Added new poll on Messed-up Meridianities.
New Weapon/Skill Information
-- 9/4/2001, AmBrOsIuS
Added a "Version Released" Field to all Skill/Spells.
updated: new bio pic for myself
-- 8/15/2001, Hawkeye
Added: News and Polls on the Death of 115
-- 7/31/2001, Server KOS
Two polls, two news.
added: another Webmaster!
-- 6/26/2001, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Memphis!
Added: New Polls
-- 6/17/2001, Server KOS
Added a few new polls for my own edifacation.
New Polls
-- 6/16/2001, Server KOS
Added a new poll asking if you approve of the Senate and their new no-flashing rule.
added: FAQ
-- 6/5/2001, Gilroy
Added "How to play Meridian59 on the Russian server?" to the FAQs section, Quick FAQ in the Russia Center, and in the navigation section of the forum.
updated: Russia Center
-- 5/30/2001, Gilroy
Included link to the scroll-bug fix.
added: Russia Center
-- 5/22/2001, Gilroy
Created a section on the navigation bar that will allow easy access to russia signup and download.
added: new poll
-- 5/16/2001, Server KOS
New poll asking what you think should be done about the cheaters.
Added: New News Section
-- 4/25/2001, Server KOS
Added a new news section for Server 115 goings-on.
Added a Poll
-- 4/25/2001, Server KOS
New polls askind the worst part of Meridian.
Added new Poll
-- 4/16/2001, Siron
Added a new poll regarding where you are going from now (4/17/01) =P
Added: New Poll
-- 4/5/2001, Server KOS
I added a new poll asking who your favorite Immortal on German 115 is.
Added My Bio Pic
-- 4/3/2001, Server KOS
I added my bio pic to the bios section. ass most of you now know I am no longer Mars, I'm Server KOS.
Added new 103 news : Shoutouts
-- 3/29/2001, Siron
Added a new 103 news section with my shoutouts to friends in it.
Added: New News
-- 3/28/2001, Server KOS
Added two new pieces of news on Ambro's return and my accounts being hacked.
Added: New Poll
-- 3/28/2001, Server KOS
Added a new poll asking what is the best overall spell school.
Added new poll
-- 3/26/2001, Siron
Added new Poll =D
added: new poll
-- 3/22/2001, Server KOS
Added a poll asking, what type of player do you hate the most?
added: humor : BlackStone's Meridian Translations
-- 3/16/2001, Server KOS
Just something posted on the 115 newsglobe by BlackStone. This had me chuckling for a long time.
added: new poll
-- 3/15/2001, Server KOS
Added a new poll asking the age old question, what is the best reagent in the game.
added: Player Stats
-- 3/15/2001, Gilroy
Fighter/mage stats by Chan (109)
added: new poll
-- 3/14/2001, Server KOS
added a new poll asking your oppinion on adding new polls
added: another Webmaster!
-- 3/13/2001, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Mars!
added: new poll
-- 3/2/2001, Hawkeye
added: FAQ
-- 2/23/2001, Gilroy
Some basic commands and translations for the german servers - By Sonic, german Senior-Bard
added: cool link
-- 1/26/2001, Gilroy
Guardians of Darkness Newspage (English version)
added: cool link
-- 1/19/2001, Gilroy
The Meridian 59 Bible - Preserved!
added: new poll
-- 1/19/2001, Gilroy
Regarding German information.
Added new poll
-- 11/21/2000, Arkblade
added new poll about which german servers are best to start out and/or play on.
Added new section in FAQ area
-- 11/21/2000, Arkblade
added an area where I will be translating German words into English (where it involves the game and it's functions).
added: News
-- 11/12/2000, King Elessar
Bush/Gore campaign from a Meridian 59 perspective.
added: Poll
-- 11/12/2000, King Elessar
Polls who gamers would prefer to have as a wife Caramo or Madelia.
added: Link to Meridian_59ers E-group!
-- 10/30/2000, Gilroy
Thanks to The Grey Mouser (108) for setting up this new e-group. Now it may be possible to track some of your old friends down. Give it a try! Enjoy.
added: another Webmaster!
-- 10/16/2000, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Baar (of! He will assist in keeping us up to date with the latest German information.
added, The Last NPC
-- 9/22/2000, Kyrie Elieson
The Last NPC, Cital ko'Manca has been added.
added: Meridian German USA Webpage
-- 9/1/2000, Hawkeye
Very helpful site for those going to the german servers. Nice work Culebra!
added: New forum
-- 8/28/2000, Gilroy
Meridian 59: Our Memories Live!
Added link
-- 8/17/2000, Dark Knight
added reincarnates (103) guild site.
Added Link
-- 8/15/2000, Zax'cha Atz'ya
To A Meridian 59 Memorial:
added: news and poll
-- 7/18/2000, Hawkeye
Made an addition to the 'Other' section to help people interested in the German servers and a poll to see what version of Meridian people liked the most.
updated: Cool links section
-- 7/17/2000, Gilroy
Knights of honor ( Ritter der Ehre ).
Keep in touch with your Meridian friends
-- 6/29/2000, Johnny Ringo
I am working on compiling a database of certain info about meridian players on all servers so that anyone can find an old meridian friend whenever they want, it will hopefully be added as a permanent section to this site. Go to the 'Calling All Meridianites!' section to find out more.
updated: Cool links section
-- 6/21/2000, Gilroy
Added a link to the revived Meridian Herald, by Hektic (103)... now called Hermit's Hut.
Game-mailable info being added to the files section
-- 6/18/2000, Johnny Ringo
I am adding a few gamemail-ready info txt files to download and use in m59 for convenience and for sending to others online, such as NPC lists, skill % charts, spell charts, and other misc. info.
Added New Poll.
-- 6/16/2000, Timoris Draco
Polls! Do you like them? Don't like to see poll area blank.
added: Download Meridian from Cyber Eclipse
-- 6/12/2000, Gilroy
Visit the Cool Links section to download Meridian. This has been requested often on the message board, and via user emails. Go get it now! Enjoy.
added: Poll
-- 6/9/2000, Gilroy
Would you support the Meridian Herald?
Added Two New Polls!
-- 6/8/2000, Timoris Draco
Seriousness of Players and Online Communities!
Added a New Poll
-- 5/27/2000, Timoris Draco
What do you think about Dementia Poll.
added poll
-- 5/25/2000, King Elessar
questioning how the general meridian public thinks meridian stacks up these days.
added: another Webmaster!
-- 5/18/2000, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Johnny Ringo! (actually, he was one of the original admins and has just returned after an extended stay with EQ) Welcome back Johnny!
updated: Player Stats section
-- 5/12/2000, Hawkeye
Added a new fighter/mage stat combo.
Fixed: A couple errors in the spell section
-- 5/10/2000, Zax'cha Atz'ya
Just a few mistakes and outdated info.
Just made a few changes to the spell section,
-- 5/8/2000, Zax'cha Atz'ya
Nothing important but I was bored and needed something to do.
added: LotN News
-- 5/3/2000, AmBrOsIuS
Thanx gilroy, Glad to be here =) I posted a couple facts on LotN and added a bio pic of me and my friend linzi. also check out the poll up at the top of the page and send me those sity names! thats all!
added: another Webmaster!
-- 5/3/2000, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Ambrosius! He is also a member of the AsylumOne gang. We hope to hear some exciting news from him.
Added Poll
-- 4/19/2000, Timoris Draco
Might bug fix/non-fix bug poll!
updated: FAQs and NPC sections
-- 4/14/2000, Gilroy
People have requested that I add information regarding The Goad shrine. Thanks Superfly! I used the information from your post on the forum.
Added Potion and Wand Pictures
-- 4/9/2000, Zax'cha Atz'ya
Will help you identify them by sight :) what to do next, what to do next... someone tell me :)
Added Scroll Pictures
-- 4/9/2000, Zax'cha Atz'ya
Will do Potions and wands later tonight.
Added all Potions, Scrolls, Wands
-- 4/9/2000, Zax'cha Atz'ya
but not the pictures (which I know is the important part when identifying them), I don't ahve a working graphcis program right now.
My Bios
-- 4/7/2000, Timoris Draco
Just added my Pic to my bios incase anybody wants to have an idea of who I am. Nothin Big!
updated: Player Stats section
-- 4/6/2000, Gilroy
Added stats for a war character by Dar (107). Thanks!
updated special weapons section
-- 4/4/2000, King Elessar
added a few new special weapons if you have any coloured items you would like to add to this site do not hesitate to mail me the pics at
added new poll
-- 4/4/2000, Arkblade
Added new poll regarding opinions on a ladder ranking system for meridian.
Update: Weapons, to Magic, to Skills.
-- 4/3/2000, Timoris Draco
Started update to all categories. From weapons, to skill, to ... etc. Will continue through week!
Added New Poll
-- 4/3/2000, Timoris Draco
Added new poll to main page on wether or not people would pay extra cash to have there char saved on a server change.
updated: Player Stats section
-- 4/3/2000, Gilroy
Added some interesting stats for a Fighter/Mage using Aim=1. I'd like to hear some feedback on this. Thanks, Tank (107).
updated: Links section
-- 4/3/2000, Gilroy
Added a link to The german M59 Newspage and Infopage, Guardians of Darkness. Thanks Dragonheart (113)!
updated: News Section Header
-- 3/17/2000, Gilroy
Now that the rename contest is over, I thought it necessary to rename the "Meridian 59: Requiem" news subsection to "Asylum One: Legacy of the Nexus".
added new poll
-- 3/15/2000, Dark Knight
poll tittled Dark Knight.
Added new poll
-- 3/15/2000, Dark Knight
Made a poll about War's like them or not.
added: New Poll
-- 3/13/2000, Gilroy
I've added a new poll related to botting. Thanks, Jedah (104), for the suggestion.
added: new poll
-- 3/7/2000, Arkblade
Added new poll on which server is the best one to play on.
updated: Player Stats section
-- 3/6/2000, Gilroy
Added some player stat suggestions from Q'ter Xutandn (104). Thanks for the input!
updated: Downloads Section
-- 3/5/2000, Suicide
Fixed a bug in YOMH which made it so that mutiple instances of regeants only made the cost up for one of those. It should now calculate prices accurately.
updated: Downloads Section
-- 3/4/2000, Suicide
Ye Olde Mage Helper is now equipped with a new spell casting cost calculator. It calculates the cost of the total # of regeants to cast the spell X number of times. Try it out!
updated: Polls
-- 3/4/2000, Gilroy
It appears that some individuals have been taking advantage of a hole in the poll booth. Major ballot stuffing. I have repaired the hole and voided the stuffed ballots. Names of the perpetrators will be made public on the message board soon! Stay tuned.
updated: Downloads Section
-- 3/3/2000, Suicide
Fixed YOMH, now it doesn't have to detect Meridian to work. Sorry about that folks!
updated downloads section
-- 3/3/2000, King Elessar
added a banner kit to use in banner making.
updated: Downloads section
-- 2/28/2000, Suicide
Added my new program, Ye Olde Mage Helper! Check it out.
added: another Webmaster!
-- 2/28/2000, Gilroy
It is with great honor that I present to everyone the newest member of the m59ref admin team... Psychochild! (yes... the real one)
updated: Downloads section
-- 2/28/2000, Gilroy
New program available that calculates exactly what percent is required for your next level. Thanks, GimpyElf (102), for your contribution.
updated: Cool Links
-- 2/28/2000, Gilroy
I've added a link to the server dedicated 103 Newswire website. Thanks, Seron (103), for the information.
updated: Email Us functionality
-- 2/23/2000, Gilroy
On occasion, the email form would generate a "503 Bad sequence of commands" error message. This has been resolved and is working properly. Sorry for the inconvenience.
updated: Message Board
-- 2/22/2000, Gilroy
Deleted the non-Meridian forums [except the one about the Sheep 8^P ], Changed the format of the Forum Selection Screen to include a brief description of each forum, and Created a new forum dedicated to War Stuff (per request of Sulfur(107)).
added: new poll
-- 2/20/2000, Arkblade
Added new poll about bugs.
updated: Message Board
-- 2/18/2000, Gilroy
I've made a change to the Message Board. You should notice a drastic improvement in load time!
added: new poll
-- 2/18/2000, Gilroy
I've added a new poll dealing with Looters. Thanks again, Antwon (104), for your frustration... I mean, suggestion. 8^P
added: new poll
-- 2/14/2000, Arkblade
Added a new poll about statistics for a Hunter or a Player Killer
added: new poll
-- 2/14/2000, Gilroy
I've added a new poll regarding the Riija Sword Quest reset time. Thanks, Antwon (104), for your frustration... I mean, suggestion. 8^P
added: new poll
-- 2/11/2000, Hawkeye
Added a new poll, curiosity I guess.
updated: Apparition, Riija, level four
-- 2/11/2000, Gilroy
I have added a player comment to this spell. Thanks, Abimelech (103), for the information.
updated: Guild Halls section
-- 2/9/2000, Zax'cha Atz'ya
Added most of the guild hall maps, I'll get the others later.
added: new Guild Halls section
-- 2/8/2000, Gilroy
A new section dedicated to Guild Halls is now available. Limited information is available at present. Look for Guild Hall maps to be posted soon!
added: new Poll
-- 2/3/2000, Arkblade
Added a poll to see what kind of points people dedicate to Intellect.
added: another Webmaster!
-- 2/2/2000, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Siron!
updated: Armor section.
-- 2/1/2000, Gilroy
Updated the information regarding the Robes of the Disciple. New FAQs added. Purchase from NPC and Obtained from Creature cross-reference tables updated.
updated: FAQs and Misc Items sections.
-- 2/1/2000, Gilroy
I've added details for a new FAQ regarding the Prism. The Prism has also been added to the Misc Items section.
Updated FAQ's section.
-- 1/28/2000, King Elessar
Added additional FAQ.
Updated King Bio, and Vale Node
-- 1/27/2000, King Elessar
Added new pic in King Bio, and also added information on the vale node and how to get it.
updated: Qor Eavesdrop and FAQs
-- 1/27/2000, Gilroy
It appears that the reagents listed for the Eavesdrop spell was incorrect. Also, in the FAQs, we had Guantlets listed as increasing the damage of Touch Spells. Thanks, Wraithus Dire (109), for the information.
updated: Player Stats section
-- 1/27/2000, Gilroy
I changed the format of this section so that the details are not displayed on the initial list. A summary listing is shown from which you can select the desired stats you wish more detail for. The list was getting big, and the page was starting to be cluttered. I like this better. Thanks, Arkblade, for the suggestion.
updated: Humor section
-- 1/26/2000, Gilroy
Finally updated the last of the sections to be database driven. Yipee!
updated: Email us section
-- 1/26/2000, Gilroy
This form is now callable from the FAQs section (to Ask us a question), Player Stats section (to Submit your proven stats), Cool Links section (to Submit a Link), Humor section (to Submit m59 Humor) and the Forum Selection screen (to Suggest a Forum).
updated: FAQ section
-- 1/24/2000, Arkblade
added new category called Making Cash.
New poll
-- 1/23/2000, Dark Knight
added a new pol about Pker's.
added: Hawkster's Nest
-- 1/21/2000, Hawkeye
A new news type for me, added 2 new messages.
Last update for me today. =)
added: new poll
-- 1/21/2000, Hawkeye
added: 2 links
-- 1/21/2000, Hawkeye
added: fighter/mage stats
-- 1/21/2000, Hawkeye
added: Hawkeye Bio Pic
-- 1/21/2000, Hawkeye
added: file
-- 1/21/2000, Hawkeye
updated: Download section
-- 1/21/2000, Arkblade
Added the help file from William (109) "Meridian 59 Reference"
updated: FAQ section
-- 1/21/2000, Arkblade
Added a section for maxing your character.
added: another Webmaster.
-- 1/19/2000, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Dark Knight!
added: another Webmaster.
-- 1/19/2000, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Arkblade!
added: another Webmaster.
-- 1/19/2000, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Hawkeye!
added: Polls !!
-- 1/14/2000, Gilroy
We now have polls. I've worked hard getting the code developed. I think it's tested enough to set it free. Let me know if you encounter any problems with it.
updated: Message Board
-- 1/5/2000, Gilroy
I have, by popular request, suppressed the display of the posters IP Address when viewing messages.
updated: FAQs section.
-- 1/5/2000, Gilroy
I've added a Ko'catanese Dictionary to the FAQs section. Special thanks to HeadHunter for e-mailing it to me.
updated: FAQs section.
-- 1/5/2000, Gilroy
I've included a definition of relative object weight in emeralds. I've also updated all the objects throughout the website to reflect its relative weight.
added: another Webmaster!
-- 1/4/2000, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Timoris Draco!
updated: FAQs section.
-- 1/4/2000, Gilroy
I've updated the format of the FAQs section so that each FAQ is viewed in its own page. This allows me to post links to individual FAQs as it relates to other items throughout the website. For example.. if you look at the Riija Sword under the weapons section you will now notice a link to the Riija Sword Quest in the comments section of that weapon. I hope this will make the website more relational.
updated: Lady Phoenix NPC info.
-- 12/30/1999, Gilroy
I've added details on how to get across the Acid Fog to dedicate the Forest Shrine.
updated: Message Board.
-- 12/29/1999, Gilroy
I've coded a more sophisticated banning system. I hate to institute this kind of feature, but people seem to like to force my hand. Go ahead... Make My Day! 8^P
updated: Intro page!
-- 12/29/1999, Gilroy
I've changed the Site Modifications section so that it will only show the changes in the last 7 days. With all the changes/updates lately the intro page was getting large.
updated: Creatures Karma
-- 12/27/1999, Zax'cha Atz'ya
Ant, Baby Spider
updated: Intro Page!
-- 12/27/1999, Gilroy
I've added aging indicators to the News and Site Modification sections. You will now notice a series of icons that reflect how old the postings are. Scroll down near the bottom of the intro page to see a legend of the icons.
added: another Newsmaster!
-- 12/27/1999, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Asylum Productions! We hope to hear some exciting news regarding their efforts on the Meridian 59: Requiem project. We're all ears guys!
Updated Monsters
-- 12/23/1999, Zax'cha Atz'ya
Karma is correct for the 3 groundworms now
Modified Weapons Section
-- 12/23/1999, Zax'cha Atz'ya
Changed gods gift section to neck and moved the amulets into it.
Updated: Reagents, NPC, Edibles and Weapons sections
-- 12/22/1999, Zax'cha Atz'ya
Minor Changes
updated: NPC - Solomon, of Solomon's Edibles
-- 12/22/1999, Gilroy
Hey Huma! Thanks for bringing that to my attention! Solomon now has the proper description. 8^P
updated: new animated monster pics
-- 12/16/1999, Hektic
Converted about 3 or 4 monster pictures to animated rather than still. Enjoy :P
updated: Intro page!
-- 12/16/1999, Gilroy
I changed the format of the News section so that the reporter name would display. It's nice to know in advance who's throwing crap your way! 8^P
updated: Weaponcraft
-- 12/16/1999, Zax'cha Atz'ya
Added a few comments and made some small changes, take a look.
updated: FAQ
-- 12/16/1999, Zax'cha Atz'ya
I've removed information that is no longer applicable and made some minor changes.
Minor additions.
-- 12/15/1999, Hektic
I've added the solution (and an image along with it) to the Pit Boss Lair. You can find it in the FAQ section of this web site.
added: another Webmaster!
-- 12/15/1999, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Hektic!
updated: creatures section
-- 12/14/1999, Zax'cha Atz'ya
Updated: Avar Chieftains, Fey Dirhai, Fey Elhai, Cow, and the Xeochicatls to match their Karma.
Added: Guard Cow, Ghost, Frogman, Ice Creature.
updated: spells
-- 12/14/1999, Zax'cha Atz'ya
The following spells now have post patch info:
Sweep, Create Weapon, Enchant Weapon, Blood Inheritance, Bond, Portal of Life, Spirit Hammer, Fog, Spore Burst, Enchant Weapon, Shadow Rift, Shroud, Truce.
added: another Webmaster!
-- 12/14/1999, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Zax'cha Atz'ya!
added: another Newsmaster!
-- 12/13/1999, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Nozzle Man!
updated: Admin Bios section.
-- 11/29/1999, Gilroy
By popular request, I've updated the old Gilroy's Bio section to be the newly named Admin Bios section.
updated: Qor - Gaze of the Basilisk spell information.
-- 11/29/1999, Gilroy
Thank you, Demonica (109), for the information.
updated:Map Section
-- 11/19/1999, Kyrie Elieson
A new brax map with more details and places you can find a SoTH or an Ao3.
added: another Webmaster!
-- 11/19/1999, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Dakka of de Lair!
added: another Webmaster!
-- 11/16/1999, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Archon/Artanis (104)!
updated: Creatures section.
-- 11/10/1999, Gilroy
Information for the Mollusk Creature has been modified to reflect an accurate Hit Point range, and Karma value. Thanks, Millen Colin (109), for your input!
updated: Downloads section
-- 11/5/1999, Gilroy
I received an e-mail from Rand (103), author of some great meridian tools like the Gatherer and QuickSpells, that said he has restarted the Meridian tools site. He also has a wish list of features and is going to start implementing them soon. Welcome back Rand!
updated: Second Wind skill
-- 10/18/1999, Gilroy
Added a player comment regarding this skill. Thanks Tenarius (105) for your input!
updated: Player Stats section
-- 10/18/1999, Gilroy
Added some player stat suggestions from Arkblade (109). Thanks for the input!
updated: Armour and Weapons Section
-- 10/13/1999, King Elessar
I added a new part to the Armour and Weapons Section called Special.
updated: Creatures section
-- 10/9/1999, King Elessar
I added the following monsters: Harbringer, Joline, Swan'May, and Cow. I put in pictures too.
updated: Message Board
-- 10/7/1999, Gilroy
I've added a new feature that will automatically add hyperlinks to the message body for URLs and Email addresses.
updated: all Schools sections.
-- 10/5/1999, Gilroy
I've gone thru and verified all the required reagents for all spells. I think I have everything up to date now. Let me know if you notice anything incorrect.
updated: Links section.
-- 10/5/1999, Gilroy
I added a link the Arkblade(109)s Meridian 59 Vault.
updated: Mana Nodes section.
-- 10/1/1999, Gilroy
I've converted the Mana Nodes section to the new database format and added maps for all the nodes. Special thanks goes to Atan for allowing me to use them.
updated: Maps section.
-- 9/30/1999, Gilroy
I've added maps for Brax, Ko'catan Jungle, Mainland, Orc Caves and the Sewers. Special thanks goes to Atan for allowing me to use them. Also, thanks Dr. Scrote for your artistic abilities.
updated: Maps section.
-- 9/29/1999, Gilroy
I've converted the Maps section to the new database format. The only map I have currently is an outdated world map. If anyone has any maps they would like to donate, send them in. We need them badly!
updated: Player Stats section.
-- 9/28/1999, Gilroy
Added some player stat suggestions from Arkblade (109). Thanks for the input!
updated: Player Stats section.
-- 9/23/1999, Gilroy
Added some player stat suggestions from Demonica (109). Thanks for the input!
Update: NPC's added LadyPhoenix
-- 9/20/1999, King Elessar
Added NPC LadyPhoenix of the Forest Shrine.
updated: Downloads section
-- 9/20/1999, Gilroy
I've converted the downloads section to the new database format. Files have been added. If you have any cool tools for use with Meridian, send them too me and I'll make them available.
updated: Player Stats section.
-- 9/17/1999, Gilroy
I've finally updated the Player Stats section! Yeee Haaa. Send me your favorite stats with a good commentary and I'll post them there. Only send me the proven ones!
updated: NPC details.
-- 9/15/1999, Gilroy
I've added spell/skill cross-reference information to the NPC details.
added: Another webmaster!
-- 9/15/1999, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Raoh (103)!
updated: Schools navigation.
-- 9/9/1999, Gilroy
I have changed the way you navigate the schools sections. When you select a school from the left frame navigation bar, a spell/skill list will appear in the left frame, and a school description page will appear in the right frame. Included on this new description page is Favored Faction and Primary Stat.
updated: Links section.
-- 9/9/1999, Gilroy
I added a link to Atan's (200) site.
added: Another webmaster!
-- 9/9/1999, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Elfin!
updated: Faction information.
-- 9/8/1999, Gilroy
I've finally started updating the Factions and Token information. This change is hard coded in HTML currently, but will be converted to the database soon (I hope). I just wanted to get some up-to-date information out here. Enjoy!
updated: Kraanan Relay spell
-- 9/8/1999, Gilroy
I've added an interesting player comment for this spell. Thank you Atan (200).
updated: Xeo creatures information
-- 9/8/1999, Gilroy
I've added some player comments to the Xeo creatures pages. Thanks goes to Huma (101) for the input.
added: News Reporter
-- 8/31/1999, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming Dementia of m59-dungeon to the staff of m59ref. He will help in keeping the news flowing thru the site. Welcome aboard Dementia!
updated: Wow.. I thought I was up to date. I was wrong!
-- 8/27/1999, Gilroy
Where is Izzio? Forgot about this cool NPC. He's listed now. Updated Princess, Duke and Jonas with more faction information. The wandering NPCs now list where they can be found.
updated: alot of stuff !!!
-- 8/25/1999, Gilroy
I finally got around to adding/updating some information regarding: Faren: Mystic Touch, Ring of Flames. Jala: Distill. Kraanan: Eagle Eyes, Relay. Qor: Shadow Rift, Silence. Riija: Seduce. Shal'ille: Bond, Dazzle. Weaponcraft: Disarm. Enjoy!
FYI: The FAQs section !!!
-- 8/20/1999, Gilroy
When was the last time you visited the FAQs section? This is a great place to go to get your questions answered. It has a few of the hard quests with complete walk-thrus, questions regarding the updates, general information that everyone should know, and a brief history of meridian. Check it out!! If you have answers to questions that should be there, please send them in.
updated: Disarm weaponcraft skill and Jonas.
-- 8/20/1999, Gilroy
I finally received a description for the Disarm skill. Also, it seems that I still had Jonas listed as a wondering NPC. Thank you, Huma (101), for the information.
added: Another webmaster!
-- 8/2/1999, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... SilverHawk!
updated: Weaponcraft Second Wind skill information.
-- 7/28/1999, Gilroy
I've added the description and picture as well as some comments regarding this skill. Thanks SilverHawk (104)!
added: Heartstone information to the reagents section.
-- 7/28/1999, Gilroy
Information added regarding the heartstones that drop from the Xeochicatl creatures. Thanks, again, to that anonymous player for sending me the pictures and descriptions.
updated: Ma'xeochicatl, Ro'xeochicatl, Te'xeochicatl, and Ve'xeochicatl creatures
-- 7/26/1999, Gilroy
Added personal comments and uploaded pictures.
updated: Gods Gifts
-- 7/22/1999, Gilroy
It appears that my God Gift listing was a little turned around. Special thanks goes to Gabrial (200) for bringing this to my attention.
updated: alot of stuff ...
-- 7/21/1999, Gilroy
Changed information regarding: Ivy circlet, Orc shield, Mace, Riija sword, Cheese, Create Weapon, Super Strength, Endurance, Seduce, Second Wind, Rescue, and Disarm. Thanks goes to a player, who wished to remain anonymous, for this information (you know who you are).
Added: Dark Angel information
-- 7/15/1999, Suicide
Today I, Suicide, added information on the infamous creations of Psychochild, that lovable guy. The Dark Angels are uhh quite a bunch of butt kickers.. Stay away unless your a pure fighter or a good GOOD Shal'ille caster. In creatures section under evil. (of course)
added: link to The Player Vault in the Cool Links section.
-- 7/13/1999, Gilroy
The purpose of The Player Vault is to give players of online-roleplaying games a web based community to call home and to provide many interactive tools to keep the player involved. Players are able to use this site to store information pertaining to their characters, guilds or other online gaming interests. Guilded players and non-guilded players can search for new recruits, allies, enemies or even mates! Players can sanction events and auction items for their game server. Everything is searchable and editable. This gives the player full control of the content they want to show to other registered users. The best way to find out how this site works and what it does is to sign-up for free and play around.
updated: Schools!! Schools!! Schools!!
-- 7/12/1999, Gilroy
I've started moving the school information into the database. It's about time, huh?! Well, many people have asked for it, so... here ya go. Look it over... if I have left out anything, PLEASE let me know and I'll update it ASAP. Thanks.
added: Mollusk creature information
-- 7/11/1999, Suicide
Mollusk creature info at creatures section, under unknown karma
added: Link to Timisace's meridian 59 Web Page
-- 5/31/1999, Gilroy
Check out the "Cool Links" section. This new website was the very first to have the server merge and price change information on it!!! The author claims to have a very strong connection with 3do for getting information. Judge for yourself!
added: Another webmaster!
-- 5/2/1999, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Ragnorak!
added: Another webmaster!
-- 4/26/1999, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Gareth/Raoh!
added: Another webmaster!
-- 4/19/1999, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... King Elessar!
added: Link to the new BardDotCom (108) Webpage
-- 3/4/1999, Gilroy
Check out the "Cool Links" section. This new website has great potential! This webpage will keep you updated on what events will be held and when. You'll have all the time you need to get ready.
added: Another Webmaster and updated FAQ section!
-- 2/17/1999, Gilroy
Everyone join me in welcoming the newest addition to the m59ref admin team.... Suicide! Also, Suicide has updated the FAQs section so check it out too.
added: Ma'xeochicatl, Ro'xeochicatl, Te'xeochicatl, and Ve'xeochicatl monsters
-- 2/16/1999, Invalid UserID
Some information on the newest denizens of the world of Meridian was added, check out the Creatures page for more information.
added: Link to the ORPG Guild Database
-- 1/11/1999, Gilroy
You can now completely manage your guilds from one easy interface. Bookmark this one quick! Good work Conan!
updated: Creatures area
-- 12/31/1998, Gilroy
The Creatures area has been converted to the new database format.
removed: High-bandwidth area - updated: NPC area
-- 12/30/1998, Gilroy
The High-bandwidth area has been discontinued. My attention is now focused on the Low-bandwidth area. I've been monitoring the activity of High vs. Low and have noticed that most people use the Low-bandwidth area anyway.
The NPC area has been converted to the new database format.
updated: Armor, Edibles, Reagents & Weapons areas
-- 12/29/1998, Gilroy
These areas have been converted to the new database format.
updated: Links area
-- 12/28/1998, Gilroy
The Links area has been converted to the new database format. New links will be added as they are verified.
added: News area - updated: History area
-- 12/22/1998, Gilroy
I'm slowly converting the website to utilize a database for its entire content. The first areas to be effected is the new News area, and the Site Modification History. The News area is a new feature that allows for specific server news, and news flashes from 3DO. Everyone welcome Dementia (103) as the first "Reporter" for Gilroy's m59 Reference Pages.
updated: Riija Spells and images - Links updated - NPC's updated
-- 10/28/1998, Invalid UserID
The Riija section is now fully up to date, with added spells, new level, and updated images. Updated half of the links and made a new rating system, will probably be changed to images instead of +-0 etc. soon. Plus the npc's are finally updated with the exception of a few Ko'catan island resident descriptions, those will be coming soon also. If you see any errors in the things I have updated so far, please give me a tell. Thanks : )
updated: Faren spells and Qor images
-- 10/17/1998, Invalid UserID
Added the 6th faren level and updated the pending pictures.
updated: Message Boards section
-- 9/24/1998, Gilroy
Updated link to Gilroy's Message Board.
updated: Kraanan spells section
-- 9/13/1998, Invalid UserID
Added information regarding the new spells added for the Renaissance update.
updated: Shal'ille, Maps, Creatures sections
-- 9/11/1998, Invalid UserID
Added information regarding the new spells added for the Renaissance update. New maps added. New creatures added.
updated: Jala spells section, new: Webmaster aboard!
-- 9/10/1998, Gilroy
Added information regarding the new spells added for the Renaissance update.
Page maintained now by Doc Holiday, under advisement of the great Gilroy : )