What is a Robe of the Disciple?
The school that a robe is dedicated to is listed in its description. To be able to tell what school and level someone else is at you can look at the color of the robe and the symbol on the back.
The symbols and meanings are as follows:
Faren: Bolt
Jala: Lyre
Kraanan: Crossed Sword with a Scyth
Qor: Skull
Riija: Eye with a Bullseye around it
Shal'ille: Ahnk
The color of the robe indicates what level the magic user has obtained in that spell school.
Level 1: Beige
Level 2: Tan
Level 3: Gold
Level 4: Brown
Level 5: Different color for each School
Faren: Red
Jala: Green
Kraanan: Blue
Qor: Grey
Riija: Purple
Shal'ille: White
You can obtain these robes by killing the Ghost of Far'Nohl or Orc Wizard.
If you are still an innocent (under 30HP), you can try the Insect Quest given by Hester Gilk.