Gilroy's m59 Reference

Prisms: How can I obtain and use one?

The Prism is used to channel the Mana of multiple magic users in order to cast certain spells. Usually, the spell will be more powerful than a typical spell.

Where do I get one?
You can usually get a Prism by running an errand for Parrin Aragone . To get the errand, go up to Parrin and say "do you need a courier?" He will give you a scroll, run the errand, then go back to him and repeat "do you need a courier?" At this point you may be given a Prism, or shills for your troubles. (Thanx Azzod for the tip!) Diehardcynic gives the tip, "Easiest way to get a prism is from the chest in thrashers." Good luck!

How to use
Get atleast the number of people of Prism sides into one place (if it's a 3 sided prism have atleast 3 people, preferably more). Drop the prism on the ground, have everyone cast the desired spell.

Everyone casts it and the prism will start to fill up. Use up your mana, rest and start casting again. However atleast 1 person must always be casting the spell, or else the prism will drain.

When the Prism is full you will be prompted, at that moment make sure that the number of people as there are prism sides cast are chanting the spell, and it will be cast sucesfully.

If all the Prism sides are not taken when the Prism is full, the spell will fizzle and allt hat work will be lost.

- Thanks Zax'cha


- The Prism is never targetted unless that's what you're casting on. So, if you want to Bond a Prism...
- As long as a Prism is in the room, simply target the item you wish to cast on (and make SURE all your casters are on the SAME prism, if there's more than one. Usually it casts through the closest prism)

- All your casters should be Duke.
- All your casters should be at 200 Vigor.
[At this point, your mana should stay constant or even go up]
- If possible, have a Jala bard sing Rejuvenate.
[This for any duration of time will definitely regenerate mana points while chanting]

Use only 3-sided prisms if you can help it, and have all three casters chanting at the same time to:
1.) Avoid snafus.
2.) Avoid mana- and vigor- costly fizzles.
3.) Avoid unneeded reagents consumption. Most of the prism spells cost insane reagents - every time you recast it, the reagents are needed again.

If you're duke and at 200 Vig, you should have no problem. Even Shatterlock will not have a net negative effect on the caster's Mana at that point.

- Thanks Akardius

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