Making quick cash is very simple in Meridian 59, as long as you know how to do it and you are provided with the correct tools.
20-25 hit points:
-Stay in Raza (can't keep cash)
25-30 hit points:
-You might want to start out slow. Killing rats and centipedes at the Tos Main Gates or killing Spectral Mummies in the Marion Crypt are common practices for people first starting out. Sell everything they drop that you don't need.
30-40 hit points:
-At 30 hit points you should have enough cash to buy some decent armor. Get someone to help you either find Jasper, so you can buy some weapons, Scale armor and a Gold Shield from Quintor, go to Frisconar in Tos to buy a nice supply or reagents, or you can just broadcast that you want to buy some armor, weapons or reagents, and a shield ... maybe someone will help. After you get all this stuff, you have many options to look at;
-The Sandy Shores and The Great Ocean offer a supply of Slimes and Fungus Beasts (which drop decent loot and will help you gain more hit points, and imps in wc if you are doing it). Just sell everything they drop and you will make a good amount of cash in no time.
-The Graveyard in Tos might prove slightly hard for a 30 hit point character, but with a little dedication and patience, you will be able to do fairly well. Killing Zombies should not be too difficult, although killing the Skeletons is a bit harder. Do not pick up any Waterskins, limit the amount of Bread you pick up, and never pick up an Amulet of the Shadows ... everything else you want to pick up and sell. You should have a sizeable amount of cash by the time you hit 40 hit points.
40-65 hit points:
-The Tos Graveyard will still be a great place to make decent cash, but traveling further out to Castle Victoria will prove more fruitful. In Castle Victoria, you can go Upstairs to kill Battered Skeletons and more than likely gain a Knight Shield from them. Once you reach about 50 hit points, you will want to probably spend more time at Castle Victoria than the Tos Graveyard. You may also want to ask a friend (or you can hire someone) to dedicate your weapon to Kraanan so you can try your hand at killing Trolls in Ukgoth and the surrounding areas.
65-85 hit points:
-Killing Trolls in Ukgoth and the surrounding areas is about the best way to make some money from other players (scale, gaunts, helms, etc.), though you still have a few other options. Here are some of the more common ways to make cash at this level;
-Castle Victoria/Throne Room: Picking up Long Swords, Hammers, etc. and Rescuing back to Jasper is the single most common way to start making a lot of cash. It is said that you can make 100k-200k an hour if you utilize your time. I have never made more than 80k an hour, but I am notoriously lazy.
-Living Trees: You may want to go to the forest areas where the Living Trees hang out. You will be able to get decent loot from trees and they also drop Entroot Berries (Qor Mages are always in need of these, so you could charge 100-175 shils each for them easily).
-The Orc Caves: Killing Cave Orcs is an easy way to get Orc Teeth (which will help with doing Kraanan later or you can sell them to people who need them). They also drop scimitars, helms, cash, and other minor items. Killing Orc Wizards will prove to be more challenging.
85-130 hit points:
-The Island is the most common place to be for making money at this level. Each screen offers it's own rewards, but the most used screen is Origin of the Kriipa (OOK for short). Killing Avars and Dragonflies will allow you to make some serious cash really quickly. *Note* It is more adviseable to sell your regs on the mainland (Frisconar) ... but if you don't have a friend that can Elusion for you, sell them to Pacal.
-Brax is not a place where you will make a lot of cash quickly, but you can still make decent money. You will find that Daemons and Narthyl Worms drop Blue Dragon Scales and Dark Angel Feathers ... both of these items go for high prices to players (roughly 90 shils each to a non-player character). I have seen BDS go for 500 shils each and DAFs go for 250+ each before.