Gilroy's m59 Reference
Growing Your Character
To explore the vast Meridian world, including the lost island of Ko'catan, you will need to build up your character's HP, acquire combat skills, and probably master a magic school or two as well. Some basic tips:
- Select a magic school to pursue (Shali'lle, Qor, Kranaan, Faren, Jala, or Riija). You can learn more about them in the game. Each god has a different personality and his or her magic has different focus. It's best to focus on only one school until you have fully mastered it.
- Build up your fighting skills such as Slash, Mace Fighting, or Scimitar Wielding by fighting monsters.
- Build up your HP by fighting monsters of the appropriate level. Ask Rook for advice on which creatures will offer the appropriate level of challenge.
- Collect objects, sell them to shopkeepers, put money in the bank, and store spare armor and weapons in the vault. You lose everything you are carrying when you die but you can always go back to the bank and make a withdrawal.
- Talk to everyone, including non-player characters (NPCs). The key to enjoying Meridian and to being successful is meeting friends and allies. NPCs may send you on quests, and they will reward you if you complete them. Try asking them if they "Need a courier".
- When you exit the game, your character is stored and will appear exactly as you left it when you return. To avoid a penalty, you should always log-off from an Inn or an Adventure hall. There are one of each in every town.
- Whether at the hands of a monster or a former friend -- death in Meridian does have its nasty consequences: All the items that were in your inventory will be left behind with your corpse, where any passing friend or foe can recover them. (It's a good idea to keep most of your money in a bank and to leave some spare weapons and armor in the storage vault.) Some guilds also have storage chests for their members, or you can rent a room in Marion or Barloque and add a chest to it. Anything stored in a bank account, vault, or chest will still be there when you return from the Underworld. If you are traveling with friends, they may salvage some of your belongings. If they're very good friends indeed, they may even give them back to you when you return... You will lose a point of health and find some of your spell and skill percentages slightly reduced as a result of your traumatic experience. Mana and vigor will also be depleted but can be recharged by resting and/or eating.
- The Return Portals, the transit gates between the Underworld and Meridian 59, rotate between different towns. Right-click a portal to find out where it leads.
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