Gilroy's m59 Reference

About Character Statistics

Might affects how much you can carry and the damage you inflict. Important for warriors.
Meaning: Determines carrying capacity. Determines base damage bonus done with melee weapons. Used for lots of weapon skills.

With a high intellect, you can learn more spells and skills faster than others. Used for advanced magics.
Meaning: You can learn more. You get a bonus to improve with more intellect. Used for Jala and Riija.

Stamina helps you weather the rough times when you are hurt and tired. Used for Kraanan spells.
Meaning: Gives you more max hps. Allows you to gain hps faster. Determines hp and vigor regeneration.

An agile fighter dodges his opponent's attacks and is more skilled in certain fighting and defensive arts.
Meaning: You will be hit less often. Used for defensive skills, and some weapon skills (notably Scimitar wielding).

Mysticism is important for gaining and restoring your magical energy. Used for Faren, Shal'ille, and Qor.
Meaning: More mana. Faster mana regen. Used for Faren, Shal'ille, Qor spell schools.

A true aim guides an attack to its target. Vital for high skill with ranged weapons.
Meaning: You'll hit more often. Used for some weapons skills (notably Short Sword Fighting and Fencing). Used for ranged weapon skills.

  • Karma - Karma is determined by your actions. If you take the life of beings with good Karma, Centipedes for example, your Karma will turn negative. Killing another player will always give you negative Karma. Killing evil beings, such as Baby Spiders, will raise your Karma rating. Some spell schools are accessible only to those with good or evil Karma, so think before you strike!

  • The source of the italicized interpretation is Psychochild
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