Gilroy's m59 Reference

How To: Make Shillings While Building!

Written By
101, 3/11

The purpose of this guide is to inform returning or new players some of my money making tricks as you build. The methods may not always be the fastest way to build and they may not be the safest, but they will increase the amount of shillings you are able to save for spells. This guide will mostly feature methods that do not have a huge amount of mule reliance.

First, it is important to understand the basic principle of lost wealth due to carrying items you do not intend to sell. For example, if you are hunting trolls and decide you want to carry a backup gold shield you will lose the weight of the goldshield in shillings each time you make a trip to sell.

Second, you must understand the productivity lost by trying to sell items *for too long* to players. For many items it will be just better to make a quick sale to a player, or sell to the NPC in a timely manner.

Now, on to the actual guide itself.

The Pre-Newbie Era (20hp-25hp):

Due to a recent change by the Z's, you no longer lose your inventory when you leave Raza. This will probably be your one, safest, opportunity to earn shillings and for the most part this will be a no brainer. As most stuff you can earn in Raza can be sold to a vendor in Raza. Also, should you need extra defense against the mummies you can give Eric d'Jorn TEN Entroot Berries ( (he accepts any number above 10) to get a Knight's Shield.

Newbie Era 26-40hp (Crypt Method):

This is the most difficult hump to get past as a newbie due to how fragile you are at this point. It is also the hardest period to make shillings with any semblance of parameter security. I am very fond of the Marion Crypt area, unfortunately, so are the PKers. Hunting in this area will be a quick lesson in situational awareness. Pay attention to your PKer Send-Groups or see Enchanter Tom's thread located at ( Pay attention to abnormal monster aggro sounds, such as ones you hear while you are already fighting a mob. Always have your back to a wall or corner and pay attention to blue dots on the map and invisibles. Treat all blue dots / invisibles as pkers until you are sure otherwise. Use short sword or mace at this stage since it is also probably what you are working on. The mummys will also drop these weapons which reduces out of pocket expense or reliance on create weapon. Fill up on long swords and sell them to Colhorr, even though Quintor in Jasper pays more for them, the lost time in travel and added risk of being attacked during transit makes it not worth it. Although this guide does not encourage mule usage, a 20hp mule placed in Marion to hold your shillings and orc teeth will allow you to quickly protect your earnings from being lost during a pk.

Newbie Era+ 26-70hp (Castle Victoria Method):

The alternative method for quick and potentially lucrative hunting during this stage is upstairs in Castle Victoria. Unfortunately, it is also pk central but unlike Marion Crypt it at least requires the pker to travel about 5 zones to reach you instead of just 1. Battered skeletons are extremely vulnerable to Shal'ille blunt weapons like Mace and Hammer, as are Zombies. However, unenchanted blunt weapons work fine also. Your lightest and most valuable PER WEIGHT item are the jewels. Ruby/Diamond/Sapphire/Emerald, in that order, are all worth 1 unit of weight. Depending on the amount of trips you make to sell you will want to loot as much of these over other loot as possible. Once you have reached about 50hp you should moev to main Castle victoria area.

Battereds will drop Knights Shields and Scimitars, which are awful to sell for shillings as the weight to shilling ratio is very poor. Instead stock up on Inky-cap mushrooms to eat and jewels to sell. If you want to make extra trips to make more shillings save tarnished or greater longswords from the battereds and hammers/axes from the zombies to Quintor in Jasper, then loop to Tos (AVOIDING MAIN GATE) to East Ende to deposit shillings in the bank. Skivlat also pays the best for gems, however, has a small chance to "destroy" your gems claiming they are worthless. You must make the sell trips to actually earn the shillings, if you are too cool to make your own runs then you will be very poor when it comes time to work spells.

Mid-Newbie Era (Faranoth/FoF[Farol]/etc) 30-50:

This area probably requires the most attentiveness because in addition to all the usual situational awareness issues (you are hunting in a travel path) you have to worry about getting lightning bolted by living trees. To reduce the amount of lightning bolt you eat for dinner you should kill the spiders in the area to keep your karma out of the negatives (living trees will bolt you even if you did not attack if your karma is too low)
Save ENTROOT BERRIES and sell to PLAYERS at quick-sale prices. Players are willing to pay 250 EACH to a vendor so it is very likely you can get 100-150 each quickly. Understand that by broadcasting you are selling Entroot Berries you are likely to notify pkers where you are hunting at so you will not want to hang out in this hunting area for long.

Post-Newbie Era (Marion Crypt 2 method) 45-70:

If you are able to let yourself into Marion crypt 2 or able to get a fighting partner (preferred) go to Marion Crypt 2. You will encounter living statues which are fairly dangerous sometimes, battered and regular skeletons.


If you brought a fighting partner I highly encourage working together and going around the zone in a circle clearing the mobs as you go. The situational awareness tricks you learned in previous zones apply here although this zone is not as camped as Crypt 1 or CV. It can also be sealed off by use of a mule, however, that is a form of griefing and I will not encourage it in this guide. Marion Crypt 2 has a lot of the same loot that was previously listed in CV, however, is much safer. Save your gems until you are full of them. I recommend selling the gems and excess inky-cap mushrooms to Herbutte in Barloque. Skivlat may pay more for gems but he does not buy inkys and as I said before saving travel time increases income. Herbutte will buy quantities of food and gems in amounts equal to or less than 25 per item. So it may take a few sells to actually sell what you have. REMEMBER HOLDING EXCESS INKYS REDUCES YOUR AMOUNT OF STORAGE YOU ARE MAKING MONEY OFF OF.

Post-Newbie Era (Troll method) 40-80:

Trolls are extremely awesome for shillings but sometimes require more effort. You also have several different areas to hunt trolls at. Trolls are hurt by Kraanan enchanted weapons and you CAN work short sword on them. Areas to hunt trolls (with reasonable monster alphas) include Seafarer/Druid Hills (with mutant ants) Icy Caves (with snow rats) and Ukgoth (same risks as CV.) Trolls drop random magical rings with risk of exotic metal rings, I do not recommend looting any of these. Instead fill up on HEAL WANDS, VAMP WANDS and Flawless Long swords. Also you should take any opportunity to replace your scale armor and gold shield off these trolls. I will recommend storing the wands on a 20hp mule in town and selling the long swords to Quintor no matter which area you were hunting the trolls in. Once you have a large stash of heal wands you should sell them to active pvpers and depending on the going rate can make about 300-500 per, maybe more depending on desperation.... however... remember what I said about spending too much time selling. Dump the shillings in Jasper bank.

Post-Newbie Area (Orc Caves) 45-80:

Another option for earning shillings at this range is the Orc Caves. You will require a dispel your first time going in but after that you should be able to take care of it yourself. Hunt Cave Orc and Orc Wizards in various cave zones, avoid shadowbeasts at this hp range, they will not be worth the effort. Orc Wizards can BOLT you, but also cast killing fields making hunting so much easier. Save up on orc teeth, gems, and key school Robes of the Disciple (Kranaan is especially in demand.)


Fill up on orc teeth until you can't carry anymore and leave to sell. Aim for the quick sale and do not get greed with how much you ask for selling. Go for 100ea, maybe a little less. Robes of the Disciple can get you 2-5k if someone really needs them.

Post-Newbie Area (Sewers) 45-90:

Yet another option for earning shillings are lupoggs in the sewers. They ARE a pain in the ass to kill due to shrugging off most things however are still worth it because they have similar loot tables to shadowbeasts. You can get plate armor from Shadowbeasts and depending on the demand sell to players for 2-10k, however, it is probably more likely that you will just use the plate armor to hunt with. Save up on gems, keys, and purples. Sell your purples and keys to players with quick sales OR store them in BQ vault for future use. NOTE: Keys and Purples are plentiful in Thrashers, so you will get more opportunities to farm these when you are ready to work spells. Sell your gems to Herbutte. By now you should be noticing a theme in my guide and that is one that minimizes travel time so minimize exposure to hostile elements.


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