Gilroy's m59 Reference

Weaponcraft: How To: Work Early Skills...Fast, Cheap and Easy! - "The Lupogg Method"

originally posted in Creatures>Good>Lupogg

Weaponcraft: Building Tips and Tricks:

There is an infamous "trick" with the Lupoggs used to work basic weaponcraft skills.

There is little reward in the way of loot gained, and it is not necessarily FUN, but it is a simple and relatively fast way of working early weaponcraft skills in a secluded area.

"The Lupogg Method":

1) Go to a secluded map, like Barloque Sewers - Screen 3, or the Jasper Sewers at least one room deep - this is to avoid possible encounters with other players.

2) Bring several of whatever weapon you are working - mace, short sword, fencing, hammer, axe - and a torch.

3) Find an area where lupoggs can be engaged in combat, but can't pass (there are several spots in BQ Sewers Screen 3 in the South part of the map perfect for this).

4) Aggro 3 lupoggs around the map, then retreat to the area where the lupoggs can't hit you.

5) Find or wait for a 4th lupogg to spawn near you.

6) When the 4th lupogg spawns, it won't fight back as the code of Meridian 59 prevents too many creatures from becoming aggro at once.

7) Swing away with your weapon - the lupogg will resist the attacks, and you will wind up swinging on the creature possibly hundreds of times before it dies Note: Don't cast bless, super strength, killing fields or wear gauntlets.

8) Go make a sandwich, read a book or do some work in another window while your character slashes through his skills! Beware of visitors to the screen - they will think you are botting or not paying attention and it may make you a possible PK target!


The Sewers of Barloque and Jasper Sewers.

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