For a secret guild:
Each member: 240 shillings/day
Hall: listed price/day
Base cost: 3360 a day
Every 6 minutes, your guild's account is charged a fraction of your rent per day. This is equal to hall rent/day divided by 240, plus 1 for each member, plus 3360 divided by 240 (14) a day.
So if you owned a 6k guild hall and had 18 members and were secret,
(6,000/240) + (1*18 members) + (14 base cost) = 57
25 + 18 + 14 = 57 shillings every 6 minutes or
13680 a day
For non secret guilds, it works much the same way except that the base cost is a number less than 14. I didn't have a non-secret guild to test on, but i'd guess it's around 9 or 10 rather than 14, to account for secret guilds costing more. It does not cost secret guilds any more to have a hall or more members than a non-secret guild. Only this base cost changes.
By the way, you can be under 0 for 47 hours until the "deletion threat" starts, and then you have 48 hours to regain a positive rent balance. All in all, you have 95 hours of safety time under zero.
I also happened to notice there are 27 guilds, and the base cost of a secret guild is 14. This may or may not be connected. I remember at one point it was said that alliances reduce your rent, while hostiles increase it. My conjecture at this point is that
Base cost= (# of guilds /2) [rounds up]
-.5 for each ally guild [rounds up]
+1 for each hostile guild
Or, every guild you set to ally (or ally back as well??) reduces rent by .5 rounded up. Two alliances still only reduces by 1, but three reduces by 2. Also, every guild you hostile increases rent by 1 per tick or 240 a day.
Ok, yes. I tested this. A single two-way alliance reduced base cost to 13. The way this is set up, you can never get "negative rent" from alliances, you can only reach 0 base cost (after which you still pay for members and/or hall)
Guild cost equations and data provided by Gar - Server 101