Gilroy's m59 Reference

How do I do Parrin's 'Jala Necklace' quest?

Here's a transcript of the 'Necklace of Jala' quest. As far as we're aware, this is how one secures a necklace. For those unable to translate the log, the player is quoting verbatim what each NPC said as to make sure he hits the conversation trigger.

You say, "jalanecklace"

Parrin Aragone tells you, "A necklace of Jala? I have heard about such lovely things, although I do not have one myself. Rumor is that Moxal ix'Hanak has been bragging about that lately. Perhaps you should go ask him about the necklace?"

You say, "Parrin Aragone tells you, "A necklace of Jala? I have heard about such lovely things, although I do not have one myself. Rumor is that Moxal ix'Hanak has been bragging about that lately. Perhaps you should go ask him about the necklace?""

Moxal ix'Hanak tells you, "Why, YES! I am glad to see you friend. You see, I had the best idea in the world! You sing, right? Why don't you go ask Tova if some entertainment would please him? I'll act as your agent and we can split the profits fairly. Oh, and I'll give you that necklace you want, too."

You say, "Moxal ix'Hanak tells you, "Why, YES! I am glad to see you friend. You see, I had the best idea in the world! You sing, right? Why don't you go ask Tova if some entertainment would please him? I'll act as your agent and we can split the profits fairly. Oh, and I'll give you that necklace you want, too.""

Tova tells you, "You sing here? HA! There is NO way I am trusting that idiot Moxal. Go talk to Kochtal ko'Tulca and ask him about this proposal of Moxal's."

You say, "Tova tells you, "You sing here? HA! There is NO way I am trusting that idiot Moxal. Go talk to Kochtal ko'Tulca and ask him about this proposal of Moxal's.""

Kochtal ko'Tulca tells you, "Why did Tova send you here? Tell him to quit being so silly and to let you sing."

You say, "Kochtal ko'Tulca tells you, "Why did Tova send you here? Tell him to quit being so silly and to let you sing.""

Tova tells you, "Fine. Go fetch your lute and play a song, then give the lute to me."

A nearby bard of Jala starts to sing a song.

Tova tells you, "What an interesting item!"

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